Category: Childhood Obesity

  • The Factors of Obesity in Kids

    Childhood obesity has become a complex health concern for public health officials. Obesity in children has reached its peak with more than one- third of children being either overweight or obese. (Salem Press,2014). Childhood obesity can be defined as when a child is above the normal weight and height for his or her age. The…

  • The Issue of Childhood Obesity in Mexico

    Introduction Obesity is a complicated contemporary disease that can be simply defined as having an excessive amount of body fat to the point it starts to cause health problems. Therefore, obesity is not only a superficial or beauty concern as one may contemplate, but it also encompasses hidden dangerous health problems, such as heart disease,…

  • Getting Childhood Obesity Under Control

    Childhood obesity is a condition in which children are significantly overweight for their age and height. Obesity at a young age in children may lead to having high blood pressure, high levels of cholesterol, breathing problems, asthma, sleep apnea, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and can also lead to children having diabetes. Sometimes individuals do not…

  • Main Reasons For Childhood Obesity And Challenges Encountered By Society And Obese Children

    In the current situation, youth heftiness is one most basic issues. Youth heftiness in developed just as developing nations has reached top levels. Overweight and weight is a genuine condition wherein overabundance of muscle versus fat gravely influences the wellbeing and prosperity of children and youthful grown-ups. Corpulence can be caused to anybody for various…

  • Prevalence of Childhood Obesity and Overweight in Urban Adolescent Schools Children

    With social-economic development,India moved away from childhood malnutrition and towards the better health and food security, this resulted in reduced number of underweight, malnourished, and stunted-wasted children. With changing lifestyle and food habits there is a spike in overweight and obesity not onlyin adults but also among children. With high prevalence India ranked third in…

  • Health Impacts of Childhood Obesity and the Nursing

    Obesity is a critical medical issue that is normal among youngsters and teenagers in Western nations. Being obese is the basis of diabetes at a young age and enhances the threat of cardiovascular sickness in adulthood. Earlier avoidance of fatness decreases the probability of serious diseases in adulthood. Nurses can assist the guardian and children…

  • Childhood Obesity: Causes And Consequences

    As Jimmy retrieves his lunchbox from his bookbag he lines up at the door in uniformed order with all the other kids. He saunters to the cafeteria as he is excited about lunch, his favorite part of the day. He uncrates his lunch as it consists of a McDonald’s kids meal Cheetos, and a McFlurry…

  • The Effects of Advertising on Childhood and Adult Obesity

    Have you ever asked a child what they want to eat for dinner or lunch and their response was a hearty vegetable? Or does that answer usually sound more like pizza or McDonalds? More than fifty percent of commercials or advertisements that children see while watching television or on the internet are food related. Commercials…

  • Determinant of Health and Childhood Obesity

    The following essay will define the concept of health and wellbeing, illness and health promotion. A case study will be used to consider and demonstrate the health needs of Newham East London as regards to childhood obesity which is caused by above 95th percentile in Body Mass Index (BMI) which is calculated from the child…

  • Childhood Obesity Action Campaign

    World health organization (WHO) defined obesity as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health. Body weight measure by the body mass index (BMI), a persons weight (in kilograms) divided by the square of his or her height (in metres). A person with a BMI of 30 or more is generally considered…