Category: Childhood Obesity

  • Proposal on Funding for Kinesiologists to Prescribe Exercise for Obese Children

    Introduction Obesity is the second leading cause of preventable death worldwide 1 In Canada, 13% of children between the ages of 5-17 are obese with another 20% overweight 1 Obesity is responsible for an increased risk of developing chronic diseases such as cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and respiratory disturbances 3 Due to factors such as socioeconomic status,…

  • Getting Childhood Obesity Under Control

    Childhood obesity is a condition in which children are significantly overweight for their age and height. Obesity at a young age in children may lead to having high blood pressure, high levels of cholesterol, breathing problems, asthma, sleep apnea, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and can also lead to children having diabetes. Sometimes individuals do not…

  • Childhood Obesity – Is It Being Taken Seriously: Persuasive Essay

    Obesity is defined as excessive body fat that increases your risk of other health problems. A person with a body mass index (BMI) above 30 is considered obese, while a person with a BMI between 25 and 30 is considered overweight. In NSW in 2018, more than 1 in 5 children (24%) aged 516 years…

  • Economic Principles and Indicators of Childhood Obesity: Critical Essay

    1. Introduction Childhood obesity is a global issue, and an increasing number of children are becoming overweight and obese. There are approximately 216 million children worldwide who are classed as overweight. All countries are seeing a rise in childhood obesity including low- and middle-income settings. (1) There is also an economic burden; the NHS spent…

  • Childhood Obesity: Persuasive Speech

    In order to determine if a child is obese or not, their BMI must be measured. BMI is calculated by measuring a persons height and weight. BMI for age usually corresponds with percentiles. In order for a child to be considered obese, he/she is categorized in the 95th percentile or greater. Children who are obese…

  • Informative Speech on Childhood Obesity

    Childhood obesity is a health issue resulting from excess fats in the body. The result can be observed when the child is above healthy and average weight as of the childhood period. Obesity does not necessarily impact only children but also adults as old age obesity results in heart disease. Thus, obesity is mainly triggered…

  • Opposing Viewpoints on Childhood Obesity: Critical Essay

    Childhood/Adolescence As habits and problems of childhood often follow the individual through adulthood, childhood obesity gets a great deal of ink. The perspectives on the issue, however, vary dramatically. For example, Elizabeth Poskitt and Laurel Edwards wrote Management of Childhood Obesity for Healthcare The upshot of the work suggests that if parents are not willing…

  • Childhood Obesity Trends and Potential Causes: Critical Essay

    In todays society, a lot of kids no longer get involved in any type of physical activity, because of technology. There is also a big unavailability of healthy foods for families that are struggling with low income. Children also struggle with obesity because of issues from within such as low self-esteem and confidence issues which…

  • Childhood Obesity: Thesis Statement

    Childhood obesity, an ongoing disease burden in various parts of the world, is a serious medical condition where the body stores excessive body fat. It has been investigated by experts, researchers, and medical professionals because its prevalence has been increasing annually. However, plans have been implemented by governments and other institutions to aid in lessening…

  • Childhood Obesity Research Essay

    Introduction Obesity in children is a global epidemic with numbers growing fast in need of action to be put in place. Different policies have been put in place by different countries worldwide touching marketing, economy, schools, etc. to reverse the climbing numbers. The purpose of this research is to determine the information data collected in…