Category: Childhood Obesity

  • Childhood Obesity Argumentative Essay

    The most important health interventions in East London are physical activities and dietary interventions to tackle obesity and overweight health issues. In this essay, I will write about health interventions in Tower Hamlet focusing on obesity as a health issue. In the first paragraph of the essay, I will write about the disease called obesity…

  • Essay on Poverty and Childhood Obesity

    The first person that would be selected would be Dr. Lawrence Kring from Canton Primary Care from the Canton-Potsdam Hospital. His experience would be necessary in developing healthy weight loss initiatives for our target populations (children, adolescents, and parents) while taking into consideration individualized needs and incorporating those requirements into a successful treatment plan for…

  • Essay on Childhood Obesity Genetics

    Child obesity is increasing at such an alarming rate, that health professionals fear obesity will become the new normal. You would think adults have more control over which foods their child consumes, and one would encourage them to eat healthy to prevent obesity right? Well, eating healthy is only the beginning. On average 1 in…

  • Essay on Childhood Obesity Treatment

    Obesity has become a widespread epidemic in our world today. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, from 2013-2014, more than 2 in 3 adults (70.2%) were considered to be overweight or have obesity, about 1 in 13 adults (7.7%) were considered to have extreme obesity, almost 3 in 4…

  • Essay on MacDonalds Childhood Obesity

    We have all had our guilty moments when it comes to fast food, whether it be choosing fast food over a home-cooked meal or stopping at a fast-food restaurant while on a road trip rather than finding a much more nutritious meal. When we consistently choose fast food over much healthier nutritious food, we are…