Category: China

  • Essay on Human Rights in China

    China is known for its lack of freedom. In China you cant say anything bad about the government or the leader of the country, Xi Jinping, you cant really express your real thoughts and feelings. China is also a very strict country, the government controls everything and everyone. Instead of giving the population access to…

  • Essay on Gender Inequality in China

    It goes without saying that the world we know today is torn  be it wars, racism, segregation, elitism  all for the pursuit of one thing: power. A few moons ago, the impending doom of the earth might have been viewed in direct correspondence to the ever-increasing frequency of natural disasters as well as…

  • Ancient Chinese Agriculture And Its Association With Ancient Chinese Culture

    Abstract Agriculture is an important part of Ancient China. Farming has always been the nature of Chinese culture. The influence agriculture had on the culture and tradition, the development in science and technology, and the society in that period can be obtained from several historical texts and books. In this paper, we study the agricultural…

  • Changes and Continuities in China

    The economic and political changes which have occurred within Chinese society over the last three generations have influenced the traditional familial culture of its citizens to an extremely high level. This influence has seen changes in cultural practices and structure, though simultaneously, the continuity of many ideas. This notion is reflected by Yan, who states…

  • Consequences of the Me Too Movement in China

    In an effort to improve the integrity of the human race, there have been diverse policies, declarations, and movements that seek to make the world a better place. The existence of human rights forms one of the most fundamental basics of human living and practices, which are supposed to be inherent to every individual. These…

  • Impact of Population Control on Chinese Culture: Analytical Essay

    Intro A Chinese woman was seven months pregnant with her second child. A group of people barged into their house and took her away. She was taken to a hospital while her husband pleaded for them not to take her. They didn’t sign any papers or agree to anything. She was shoved into a room…

  • Chinese Immigration: An Immigration Of Indifferences

    Pope Francis once said during a visit to the island of Lampedusa We are a society which has forgotten how to weep, how to experience compassion  suffering with others: the globalisation of indifference has taken from us the ability to weep! (Liaugminas). Pope Francis was bringing to light the issues surrounding the topic of…

  • Population Growth in China and Its Negative Effects Essay

    Population growth is defined as the increase of numbers in a population, whether it be in a country, state, or city. The way that population growth is calculated is with a simple equation; this is the birth rate added to immigration subtracting the death rate and emigration. Population growth affects the government and economy both…

  • Essay on the Evolution of the Political System in China Using the Great Leap Forward Campaign as an Example

    The Great Leap Forward (1958-1961) campaign was launched to transform the agrarian economy of Republic of China into socialistic economy with an aim to bring rapid growth but, in contrary resulted in famine and disaster. It was introduced by the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) under the chairmanship of Mao Zedong. In an attempt to…

  • Shina as a Superpower: An Essay

    In 18th of December 1978, China launched its transformative reforms of opening its economy, moving away from a soviet model planned economy to a more western friendly one. This modernization brought significant results, growing at a faster rate than any other country in the world. Once poor and underdeveloped, the Asian giant has now grown…