Category: Christianity

  • Judaism and Christianity: History and Population

    Table of Contents Introduction Ancient Judaism The Dispersion of Jews The Spread of Christianity Christianity in the Roman Empire Conclusion Works Cited Introduction There are numerous differences between the two major religions. Nevertheless, they share the same roots and have remarkably contributed to the formation of Western Civilization. The two religions share multiple basic concepts…

  • Christianity Role in Positive Environmental Changes

    Table of Contents Introduction What Christians can do Arguments against Conclusion References Introduction Environmental groups and other secular entities often emphasize the importance of natural and uncultivated land. However, this may not always get to the root causes of environmental degradation. Essentially, restoration must take on a small scale approach so that individual efforts can…

  • Christian Reform Movements of the 19th Century

    Table of Contents Introduction Relationship Between the Millenniums Views and Social Reform Pre-Millennial Views and Post-Millennialism: Reformation What History Seems to Indicate Conclusion Introduction The Christian reforms and corresponding movements of the nineteenth century were significantly informed by societal changes; however, the latter is more complex that it seems. This stance is supported by the…

  • Bodily Resurrection in Paganism and Christianity

    The basis of the Christian proclamation is the story of the crucifixion of Jesus, his death, and subsequent resurrection. In this regard, Cook wisely notes that the existence of Jesus is not the problem for the world  the resurrection is (Resurrection in Paganism and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ). In fact, this phenomenon is…

  • Psychology and Christian Theology Integration

    Theology and psychology stress different aspects due to their diverse techniques, source materials, and purposes. According to Entwistle (2015), theological reflection often concentrates on Gods workings in the world; it informs us of the story of Gods engagement with the world in formation and salvation. On the other hand, psychological reflection often focuses on the…

  • Christians, Jews, and Muslims Have the Same God

    Most often is a topic of discussion whether Christians, Islamic and Judaism religions worship the same God. This topic has been a matter of debate throughout history. Some individuals say that yes, of course, they do, while others will disagree. It is significant to note that when one states that they worship the same God,…

  • Beliefs One Must Gold to Be Considered Christian

    Religion remains a significant part of the life of people around the world, despite atheisms growth in popularity over the past decades. Christianity is a religion that is espoused by more than a billion people. As a result, there are numerous Christian denominations, the key beliefs of which often vary. Every person chooses their religion…

  • The History of the Christianity Religion

    Table of Contents Introduction Who Are Christians? Conclusion References Introduction Christianity is one of the largest religions in the world that is based on the life and the teachings of Jesus Christ, the son of God. It is the largest religion, with a population of over 2.8 billion believers, otherwise known as Christians, spread across…

  • Christian Messages in Saint Ambroses and Saint Francis of Assisis Poetry

    Saint Ambroses Ancient Morning Hymn and Saint Francis of Assisis Canticle of the Sun are two pieces of poetry written at different ages. Ambrose was a Bishop of Milan who lived 340-397 AD. In contrast, Saint Francis of Assisi was living in a time from 1182 till 1226. Even though almost a thousand years are…

  • The Anthropology of Christianity

    The anthropology of Christianity is related to human Anthropos concerning God. Anthropology has a vital role in a missionary perspective. Anthropology, theology, and missiology have developed over the years. Anthropology has led to the change into postmodernism which makes it revolutionary. Anthropology has also led to the loss of certainty in social sciences and philosophy.…