Category: Cognitive Development

  • Impacts of Technology on Cognitive Development of Children and Adolescents

    Introduction The discussion explores the impacts of web tech on adolescents cognitive, psychological, physical, and socio-emotional development. Recently, advancements in technology, especially in social media, digital gaming sites, and smart televisions, have made teens the target group. It is significant to be aware of the effectiveness of the rapid net advancement in the 21st century…

  • Concrete- and Formal-Operational Periods of Cognitive Development

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion References Introduction Human intelligence is determined by both genetic and environmental factors, whose influence can vary in different life cycles. Operational and formal-operational periods are two critical stages of intellectual development in which genetics and environmental factors play various roles. Let us analyze these two periods and examples of…

  • Jean Piagets Developmental-Cognitive Position

    Table of Contents Introduction Key Concepts The Stage Theory References Introduction Jean Piagets Developmental-Cognitive Theory of Learning focuses on the observation and examination of a childs cognitive development and its stages. It also includes five main concepts that provide a detailed explanation of cognitive development in children: assimilation, accommodation, equilibration, play, and imitation. Pagets theory…

  • Cognitive Development Theories and Their Evolution

    Abstract This paper provides an in-depth analysis of the cognitive development concept with a lot of focus on the various theories of cognitive development, their evolution, and the associated developmental stages. In the modern theoretical aspect of cognitive development, it is suggestive that children begin their cognitive development with particular core principles that tend to…

  • Piagets Stages of Cognitive Development

    Table of Contents Introduction Piagets Stages of Cognitive Development CDC Developmental Milestones Toy Selection References Introduction Children develop in unique and unpredictable ways. What is normal for one child is absolutely unacceptable for another. Children are personalities, and they display different character traits. Yet, all children pass the basic developmental milestones. Piaget is fairly regarded…

  • Cognitive Development: Piagets Conservation Tasks

    The conservation tasks implied measuring whether the number of the objects and the length are the same while changing the parameters of the lines. In the case of the video A typical child on Piagets conservation tasks, the child is younger than seven years old. In this instance, the child changes his opinion after recalculating…

  • Student Development Concept: Cognitive Development

    Table of Contents Introduction Cognitive Development Conclusion Reference Introduction Human development is an intriguing process that involves the integration of many factors. All these various factors are necessary to achieve full development. The factors involve interplay between, on the one hand, the genetic materials inherited from parents commonly referred to as nature and on the…

  • Cognitive Development: Piagets and Vygotskys Theories

    It is important to note that cognitive development is a critical aspect of human development. It can be defined as a process of change in a persons mental abilities and skills as he or she becomes more experienced and mature. In other words, thinking skills advance and enhance, making a child better at tackling more…

  • Piagets Four Stages of Cognitive Development

    The cognitive development of children determines their ability to understand certain concepts. Adults often experience situations where they try to describe something to a child, but the child does not understand something that seems obvious. Children may lack understanding of what adults say to them, which is determined by what stage of growth they are…

  • Cognitive Development from Modern Theoretical Perspective

    Introduction The present paper is devoted to the domain of human cognitive development and the way in which it is portrayed by the modern theory in the field. Cognitive development involves the growth and change in the intellectual processing functions of children as they age and mentally develop (Brubaker, 2016, p. 1), and the theory…