Category: Cold War

  • Comparison of Current Relationships Between US and Russia to Cold War

    There are many similarities between the relationships between the US and the USSR in the middle of the 20th century and the relationships between the US and Russia in the current period. In both cases, an unarmed conflict takes place between countries that do not engage in a war in a traditional understanding. Nevertheless, the…

  • Global Diplomacy Is Dead After Cold War

    Global diplomacy has long been considered a crucial component of effective relationships between states in the international arena. Through cooperation and open dialogue, it is expected to handle the current challenges that the world is experiencing, ranging from health crises to the opportunities and threats of new technologies. However, the kind of effective diplomacy that…

  • Pakistan-US Relations Post-Cold War

    Introduction Relations between Pakistan and the United States have been tumultuous since the 1950s, a trend that continued after the Cold War ended in 1991. During the Cold War, one US strategy was to make alliances with different countries to counter the expansion of Soviet communism and influence. The United States considered Pakistan an ally…

  • International System During the Cold War Era

    The basic characteristic of the international system during the Cold War era is its duo- polarity nature. This was a period characterized by war of ideologies between the greatest and the two most powerful nations on earth by then; the United States and the united Soviet Socialist republic (USSR). The aftermath of the Second World…

  • Marxism Theory: The Middle East and the Cold War

    Table of Contents Basis of Marxism Theory Marxism in the Middle East Countries Conclusion References The German philosopher and economist Karl Marx created a Marxist theory in the middle of the nineteenth century. It impacted the economy, social order, and politics of different countries around the world. Even though the theory is outdated for the…

  • The Cold War in Realism Theory

    The definition of the Cold War refers to the conflict between the Western countries (the United States) against the Eastern Bloc (the USSR) and is also known as the conflict between capitalism and communism. It denotes the historic opposition of ideologies and drastically differs from the traditional forms of war as it does not directly…

  • Comparison of Current Relationships Between US and Russia to Cold War

    There are many similarities between the relationships between the US and the USSR in the middle of the 20th century and the relationships between the US and Russia in the current period. In both cases, an unarmed conflict takes place between countries that do not engage in a war in a traditional understanding. Nevertheless, the…

  • Voice of America during the Cold War

    Aim of the public diplomacy project To identify the role of the Voice of America and its impact on the world. Scenario: The Context in which the activity took place/issue it sought to address The Voice of America is the legitimate extrinsic broadcast organization of the United States of America. After World War 2 the…

  • 1970s History. The Third World Perspective on the Cold War

    Introduction The history of the United States is quite complex and riddled with numerous events and moments that contributed to the growth of the nation. After the end of the Second World War, a new upheaval emerged that would affect the overall economic, military, and social attributes of the U.S. and those of the Soviet…

  • Global Diplomacy Is Dead After Cold War

    Global diplomacy has long been considered a crucial component of effective relationships between states in the international arena. Through cooperation and open dialogue, it is expected to handle the current challenges that the world is experiencing, ranging from health crises to the opportunities and threats of new technologies. However, the kind of effective diplomacy that…