Category: College

  • Why Is It Important to Finish College: Essay

    Academic Advising is a complex process that will affect whether a student will be successful at a university or not (Balenger & Sedlacek, 1991). Good academic advising involves ‘the dissemination of educational and career-related information students confronted who are in the process of developing and creating academic and career plans. One of the main ways…

  • Why Is College Important to Me: Essay

    Why do we go to college? Why school in general For all my school years I haven’t enjoyed school I’ve wondered why is it that I must do 12 years of something I dont want to do just to learn about stuff I’m not going to do. I’ve never been interested in college or school…

  • Mental Health in College Athletes Essay

    Introduction While college is often one of the best times of a persons life, it is also often one of the most challenging. College students are under immense pressure to succeed in all of their activities while still doing well in their classes and graduating within four years. This especially holds true for collegiate athletes.…

  • The Phenomenon Of Hazing In College Life

    College is a big part of any person’s life. It will be the most toughest years of your life. For as long we can remember in school teachers are always saying what you do now starting from elementary school till you graduate high school will have an impact on your life for the next few…

  • College Convocation Essay

    On October 17, 2019, Jackson State University celebrated its 142nd Founders’ Day Convocation. The auditorium was filled with professors, deans, chairpersons, students of Jackson State University, and all people that supported it. The convocation was started by the prelude presented by the Jackson State University Orchestra under the direction of Dr. Darryl E. Harris. After…

  • Covid College Essay Example

    Psychosocial is defined as pertaining to the influence of social factors on an individual’s mind or behavior, and to the interrelation of behavioral and social factors’ (Oxford English Dictionary, 2012). Psychosocial factors, in the context of health research, can be defined as the mediation of the effects of social structural factors on individual health, conditioned…

  • Community Essay Examples

    Right from birth, human beings are accustomed to living among people. It is a practice/ability that stays innate, and active throughout the lifetime. As you graduate, you are ready to embark on a new expedition and are in the pursuit of collecting tips for building community in college. A quick and easy tip is to…

  • College Essay about Music

    Abstract The experiment was taking an in-depth look at how the sound, the tempo, and the pace of music can affect a students concentration, study habits, and performance. The goals of the study were to determine if, in fact, music has an effect on comprehension and accuracy. Students participated in this research study that consisted…

  • College As An Important Life Experience

    College is all about different experiences and life lessons and goals. Living with questions of what if is no way to live at all. I met a woman at a protest this weekend in Downtown Atlanta- She is twenty- two years old and she has had the experience of being Miss Freshman and Miss Grambling…

  • Pressure on Teens to Attend College: Synthesis Essay

    Twelve percent of high school graduates never attend or even enroll in a college or university. That is not a very monumental percentage, but it is the result of too much pressure placed on high school students’ shoulders to go to college. Some students, when they graduate from high school, decide not to attend college…