Category: Colonialism

  • NASAs Efforts of Space Colonization: Pros and Cons

    Table of Contents Introduction NASA and Mission Space Colonization: Proponent View Space Colonization: Opponent View Conclusion References Introduction It is vital to note that with the recent advancements in astrophysics, aerospace engineering, and astronomy, the topic of human space colonization is no longer considered far-fetched but rather a realistic goal. The National Aeronautics and Space…

  • Jules Ferrys Speech on French Colonial Expansion

    Table of Contents Need of France for Colonies Arguments Against Ferrys Imperialism Non-Economic Arguments in Favor of Imperialism Conclusions References Jules Ferry, a politician of the early Third Republic, is famous for his strategy of secular education and the fruitful extension of France as a colonial empire. He served as the Prime Minister of France…

  • Teju Coles: Colonialism and Imperialism Ideologies

    Table of Contents Introduction Interpretation of Coles Tweets Connection to Ideas Relating to KONY2012 and Kristof Response to Cole Relying on Adage The Aspect of a Metonym The Close Reading: Analysis of passage A Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The worlds societies are characterized by various factors, some of which reside from administrative, economic, and societal…

  • Mission to Mars: Problems of Mars Colonization

    It would be challenging for humans to live on Mars for a large number of reasons. Cabrol and Grin (2018) cite low and widely varying temperature, low atmospheric pressure, low water activity, and high ultraviolet and ionizing radiation as the primary causes of the planets inhospitality. To enable life on Mars, it would be necessary…

  • African Resistance to Colonialism and Colonial Economies

    African Resistance to Colonialism The African history is closely associated with European colonization, which was mainly caused by the economic, religious, and political factors. To acquire larger territories of Africa, Europeans employed various means of suppressing the local population and supported it with the so-called mission of making Africa a civilized nation. In fact, they…

  • The NASA Space Colonization Plans

    It is important to note that with the recent advancements in astrophysics, aerospace engineering, and astronomy, the topic of human space colonization is no longer considered as far-fetched but rather a realistic goal. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is actively working on the project of Mars colonization. However, there are concerns about the…

  • Femicide in Mexico: Effects of Colonialism

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction The gender-based violations and crimes against female citizens may consist of emotional, physical, sensual, and sexual abuse. This problem is considered a severe obstacle towards the enjoyment of fundamental human rights by women internationally and is strongly condemned in developed countries. Femicide is the murder of…

  • The Islam Spread in Colonial America

    Introduction The study of how a particular religion gained strength and spread among people is of particular value. This helps to better understand the processes that contributed to this aspect and understand what is behind the creed. Thus, this research aims to study how Islam spread and took root in the territories of colonial America…

  • Religious Experiences of Women in Colonial Latin America

    Table of Contents Introduction Thesis statement Religious Experiences of Women in Colonial Latin America Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Latin America covers an area of around 19.2 square kilometers (Socolow 5). The region has twenty sovereign nations covering the Caribbean and South America. Most of the countries in Latin America are characterized by the use of…

  • Negative Impact of Colonialism on Todays US Society

    The process of colonization of the world was long and devastating. Many nations underwent significant changes in their economies, politics, societies, and environments. European nations controlled colonialism in such regions as Africa and North America. The growth of the colonial impact was characterized by a variety of positive and negative outcomes. In this paper, attention…