Category: Colonialism

  • Colonialism: From the Biblical Era to the Present Day

    Even though colonialist policies are generally frowned upon in modern society, the effects of colonialism still send ripples across the socio-cultural, economic, and political landscapes of multiple states. Although the concept of colonialism is typically linked to the Columbian era and the expansion of the British Empire, the phenomenon at hand can also be observed…

  • Political Ideologies, Colonization, and Expansionism

    Fascism vs. Marxism and Liberalism Fascism is a political ideology that emerged in Italy yet spread throughout European countries. The most infamous example of fascism was Nazi Germany and the military agenda correlating with the authoritarian nationalism promoted through the ideology. Fascism opposes other ideologies such as Marxism and liberalism from multiple perspectives. To illustrate…

  • Law Enforcement in Colonial America

    Table of Contents Introduction Law Enforcement in Colonial America Conclusion Works cited Introduction My career of choice is in the criminal justice system as a law enforcer. Throughout history, the law enforcers have been accredited as the preservers of law and order in society. Like many other professions, law enforcement has undergone changes through the…

  • Phenomenon of the Anti-Colonialism

    Introduction It is believed that public riots or community rebellion, activity boycotts and public marches are descriptive and even more apparent ways to express resistance. Also, any local forms of public expression as well as the media were believed to greatly initiate anti-colonial movements. The print media and literary culture in a great way successfully…

  • Civil Society and African Politics in the Post-Colonial Era

    Civil Society has increased its dominance in politics and academic debates. It is one of the concepts termed as complex and debatable for a very long time since pre-colonial Africa. Complexities regarding the concept have led to different definitions ranging from broad perspectives to more specific terms. An analysis of these definitions shows a typical…

  • Post-Colonialism in Nigeria, Jamaica, and Congo

    Table of Contents Introduction Nigeria Jamaica Congo Works Cited Introduction The post-colonial review of three countries, Nigeria, Jamaica, and Congo, shows that there is a great deal of progress made towards self-governance. The governments in the various countries set up institutions for governance, and they appear to have matured in the democratic representation of the…

  • China as Africas Partner and Not a Colonial Power

    Chinas growing interest in Africa countries has been viewed by some people as a threat to their sovereignty. In the past decades, Africas major source of financial and political aid was the Western countries. However, this started changing after China developed an interest in Africa starting in the 1990s. Chinas growing interest is a threat…

  • Is China the New Colonial Power in Africa?

    In an historical perspective, colonial power implies instituting both military and administrative control over a region, especially a country. Practically, this infers to the use of force to conduct business with underdeveloped and developing countries. In ancient times, colonialism primarily involved European powers who used their military prowess to subdue and rule countries to take…

  • Negative Impact of Colonialism on Todays US Society

    The process of colonization of the world was long and devastating. Many nations underwent significant changes in their economies, politics, societies, and environments. European nations controlled colonialism in such regions as Africa and North America. The growth of the colonial impact was characterized by a variety of positive and negative outcomes. In this paper, attention…

  • Political Ideologies, Colonization, and Expansionism

    Fascism vs. Marxism and Liberalism Fascism is a political ideology that emerged in Italy yet spread throughout European countries. The most infamous example of fascism was Nazi Germany and the military agenda correlating with the authoritarian nationalism promoted through the ideology. Fascism opposes other ideologies such as Marxism and liberalism from multiple perspectives. To illustrate…