Category: Communism

  • Karl Marxs Communism Manifesto

    The Communist Manifesto is sometimes called the Manifesto of the Communist Party. Karl Marx who was a political theorist alongside another German called Friedrich Engels wrote it with the aim of improving the relationship among people. It was written in 1848, a time, industrial revolution and politics were changing. There was technological advancement, which they…

  • Communism and Fascism Ideologies of the 20th Century

    Communism and fascism became the two defining ideologies of the last century. People became adherents of one direction or another and were ready to defend it. Hitlers ambitions, deeply affected by the ideas of the importance of war, led to catastrophic consequences for all mankind. The currents of the two ideologies swept the countries and…

  • Communism in China and Its Origins

    Communism was a socioeconomic system characterized by the absence of private property and state control of the means of production. In a communist society, all resources and means of production are owned by the community; there is no social hierarchy or class system, and everyone is supposedly equal. Communism in China referred to the Marxist-Leninist…

  • The New Class: Communism and Political Bureaucracy

    Despite its noble goal to build a society free of prejudice, oppression, and discrimination, communism gave birth to an ugly, brutal new class  political bureaucracy. The communist dream was based on a great idea of a classless society that was supposed to emerge after industrialization and collectivization in the U.S.S.R. (Djilas, 391). Contrary to…

  • Communist Manifesto vs. the Capital

    The Communist Manifesto expresses Communist theories while Capital is a scholarly examination of the formation, collapse of an economic system. The Communist Manifesto gives a demand list on how to create communism while Capital is a political economy critical analysis showing exploitation of the working class. Communist Manifesto is a brief pamphlet while Capitalism is…

  • Fascism and Communism Ideologies Comparison

    In rejecting comparisons between communism and fascism, one historian wrote, to say that communism is as worse because it made more victims, or that term is shocking and obscene. What are the similarities along these lines? If they were so similar, then why could not their adherents co-exist? In other words, why do fascists and…

  • Fear of Communism and Islam

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Reference Introduction Joseph McCarthy was famous for his anti-communist rhetoric that resulted in the emergence of a trend called McCarthyism. In one of his speeches, the politician outlines his anti-communist agenda and calls for immediate measures that had to be undertaken by the government and by the people…

  • McCarthyism and Anti-Communist Campaigns

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction Within his speech in the State Department, Joseph McCarthy defined communist nations as a significant threat to the USA. He stated that world domination is the ultimate goal of communist leaders. Thus a global conflict between two political systems becomes inevitable. At that time, the Soviet…

  • Communism and Liberalism Diplomacy

    Communism and liberalism are two distinct ideologies that have been traditionally framed as opposing approaches. Nevertheless, certain similarities can be identified that determine their impact on the global community. The main similarity between liberalism and communism is the emphasis on equality characteristics for both ideologies. However, the specificities of the said equality are different in…

  • Communism: Theory and Reality

    Table of Contents Abstract Communism in Theory Communism in Practice: The Case of China Communism in Practice: The Case of Cuba Conclusion References Abstract The ideas of Communism appeared in the middle of the nineteenth century and were expressed in the works of Carl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Communism presupposes the economic equality of all…