Category: Competitive Sports

  • The Role Of Sports In Physical And Mental Fitness

    A sport is typically defined as any physical activity involving some degree of completion. Some of the common sports include baseball, football, basketball, racing, volleyball, among many other kinds of sports. A person who participates in any sport as a profession is referred to as an athlete. As proved in this essay, while sports are…

  • Gender Sports Teams Shouldn’t Exist

    We have all heard the saying boys are stronger than girls. And because of this commonly known saying, it is engraved in our minds, and daily lives. But is this true? Science has proven that males are naturally stronger than females, even comparing the same weight from males to females, females averagely have less muscle…

  • Why Team Sports Are Important

    Introduction Team sports are important for many reasons including better physical and mental health, learning important life skills, developing social skills. There are many different types of team sports including soccer, basketball, volleyball, rugby, touch football and lots more. Here is why I think team sports are important: Firstly, sports are known to improve peoples…

  • Sports Essay

    In a diverse world, there is a common language that spans boundaries, ethnicities, and backgrounds: the language of sports. Sports have imprinted themselves profoundly into the tapestry of human history, from the deafening shouts of the stadium to the joyful companionship on the playground. They are more than just games; they encapsulate the essence of…

  • Essay on Cricket

    Cricket is a sport that is played by millions and loved by billions of people from all corners of the globe. Cricket has been played for centuries with the first international match occurring way back in 1844. From that time it has continued to develop into the vibrant and exciting modern game that is played…

  • Volleyball Reflection Essay

    Volleyball is an international sport invented by William Morgan in 1895. Its a game composed of 2 teams that face each other on opposite sides with a ball and a net in the middle of the court. Its a popular sport that includes rules and competition such as in championships and matches or tournaments. It’s…

  • Essay on Teamwork in Volleyball

    Sport There are six players on each side of the court at all times that are separated by a net. The goal of the game is to keep the volleyball off the ground on your side by using a maximum of three touches. Points are made on every serve and the serve goes to the…

  • Volleyball Game As My Favorite Sport: Reflective Essay

    Have you ever watched a volleyball game? Well its my favorite sport to watch and play. I play outside hitter; my hero is Roni Jones Perry. She plays on the BYU women volleyball team as an outside hitter. She was a starter as a freshman in College. She married Todd Perry. She went to high…

  • Narrative Essay about Sea-biscuit and His Success Story

    The Great Depression lasted a decade and affected peoples attitudes toward life and the future. Because of this period, Seabiscuit became a famous icon of hope, being an underdog in the sport, which aroused the people in feeling joy as they watch Seabiscuit win races against his toughest opponents. If Seabiscuit were to race today,…

  • Narrative Essay about Sea-biscuit and His Success Story

    The Great Depression lasted a decade and affected peoples attitudes toward life and the future. Because of this period, Seabiscuit became a famous icon of hope, being an underdog in the sport, which aroused the people in feeling joy as they watch Seabiscuit win races against his toughest opponents. If Seabiscuit were to race today,…