Category: Conflict

  • Conflict Between Employee, Customer, and Manager

    Conflicts are situations when parties in the conversation cannot understand each other. It is a frequent situation at work, where each has their own interests, which are sometimes contradictory. The situation with Elaine is an example of the conflict between the employee with the customer and the superior manager, David. At its core was the…

  • Intercultural Conflicts: Occurrence and Solutions

    In chapter 8, Intercultural Conflict, the authors discuss the theoretical basis of conflicts, their definition, occurrence, classification, and solutions. The authors emphasize that conflict is an integral part of society and characterize it differently. In general, the conflict is defined in the chapter as a struggle between two incompatible opinions and ideas of people (Grothe,…

  • Resource Sharing, Planning, and Conflict Management

    In the present-day environment of global connectivity and vast cross-cultural communication opportunities, it is hardly possible to imagine oneself being stranded in a setting with no options for contacting the civilization. However, should the specified situation occur to me, being surrounded only with a small group of strangers, I would still do my best to…

  • Conflict: Positives, Negatives, and Strategies

    Conflict is a significant part of interpersonal interactions, arising from a perception of incompatible goals between interdependent parties. Conflict can have both positive and negative consequences, depending on the behavior of both parties. For example, two people can have shared plans to start a creative or business project, but disagree on the specifics of how…

  • Karl Marxs Conflict Theory and Alienation

    Karl Marx is famous for proposing the idea of social conflict, which is based on the presumption that a class struggle is the central driving force of society. The critical point in understanding Marxs ideas is that the structural relationships of the community are based on the outcomes of the social conflicts that occur under…

  • Interpersonal Conflict and Worldview

    Interpersonal conflict can be defined as the form of struggle that involves two or more people. This type of conflict differs from intrapersonal conflict, which only involves a struggle within yourself. Sometimes, intrapersonal conflict is called internal conflict, and it can be classified as mild or severe (Shen et al.). Interpersonal conflict usually arises due…

  • Functionalist, Conflict, and Interactionist Theories

    Social relationships are complex processes that require several scientific approaches, which are discussed in this paper. Each of the theories focuses on some specific aspects of a persons social life. A detailed study of theories of social behavior is useful for understanding how various institutions, such as the mass media, function. Various models of human…

  • Discussion of Personal Conflict of Interest

    Table of Contents Definition The Sources of Personal Conflicts of Interest Contractor Personnel The Currently Effective Rule Subcontractors The Function of the Contracting Officer Recent Infractions Committed by Contractors Decision B-253714 of the GAO Reference Definition In FAR Subpart 3.11  Preventing Personal Conflicts of Interest for Contractor Employees Performing Acquisition Functions, the term Personal…

  • Conflicts: Main Reasons and Resolution

    Table of Contents Introduction Background The third side and the reason for conflict Self-reflection Change of the attitude Conclusion References Introduction Conflicts are one of the main aspects of human behavior. The human society is comprised of several individuals who appreciate various beliefs and have different points of view on the same issue. However, the…

  • Marxist Conflict Theory

    According to the conflict theory, diverse groups in society are always competing fiercely for scarce power and resources, leading to the stronger oppress the weaker. Marx was preoccupied with one topic in the 19th century, a time characterized by profound disparity and fast technical and political development in Europe: what does it mean to be…