Category: Confucianism

  • Comparison of Daoism and Confucianism

    Wuwei is one of the central concepts in Daoist teachings and describes the proper way of living. Literally translated to effortless action or action without strain, it refers to doing things without needless over-complication and exertion (Molloy, 2020, p. 209). As such, it is directly related to being in harmony with Heaven. Daoism prompts people…

  • Introducing World Religions: Taoism and Confucianism

    The book Introducing World Religions by Charles Farhadian addresses two religions that emerged in East Asia, namely, Taoism and Confucianism. The author seeks to create a dialogue whereby the reader understands the origin of the two socio-philosophical traditions that have become prominent in most parts of Asia. The source illustrates the pervasiveness of the religions,…

  • The Tale of Kieu: The Value of Confucianism

    Table of Contents Introduction Confucian Morality as the Main Driving Force Conclusion References Introduction The Tale of Kieu by Nguyen Du is one of the most prominent Vietnamese poems, depicting the life of a woman who had to save her family by sacrificing her own life. This poem presents the social and political challenges of…

  • Taoism, Confucianism, and Mohism in Chinese Philosophy

    World philosophies are a combination of different events that occurred in the past to the present day. The new edition of world philosophies context by David Cooper ensures that it continues to fulfill the peoples demands of the growing peoples interests in all the main philosophical traditions of the world. Culture can help people understand…

  • The Philosophy of of Confucianism

    The Chinese culture has its foundation in Confucianism, an ancient philosophy and belief system. It was invented by Confucius, a philosopher and teacher who lived from 551 to 479 before Common Era (BCE) (Makeham 4). According to several writings produced by Confucius  pupils, confucianism stresses concepts of ethical behavior, ethics, and moral character, with…

  • Confucianism and Chinese Culture

    Table of Contents Introduction The Rise of Seminal Confucianism Pedagogies Conceptualization of Imperial Legitimacy Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Virtually, every country cherish specific codes of ethics that makes them unique and therefore, exceptional. As a code of ethics, Confucianism was adopted amongst the Chinese people as the official religion that inspired faith in the Han,…

  • Virtue Ethics and Confucianism: Article Analysis

    Describing and analyzing the philosophical article Virtue Ethics and Confucianism by credible scholar Bryan W. Van Norden (professor of the Vassar College of the Chinese and Japanese Philosophy Department) from the anthology volume Comparative Approaches to Chinese Philosophy, it is important to note that it critically evaluates and represents the Confucianism philosophical thought. Therefore, one…

  • Comparative Eastern Influences Confucianism

    Introduction Philosophy is an eternal search of knowledge and vital wisdom in which scientists of this direction tried to define laws of life and to issue them literally. Eastern philosophy indifference from the west was not limited to the search for rational proofs and decisions of the vital and fundamental questions. Therefore Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism,…

  • Confucianism in Modern Western Society

    In a time where our economy is reaching the breaking point and faith in our current government has waned, many people have begun to look toward a different method of doing things in order to create a more positive society. One of those ways is to integrate the ideals of Confucianism into everyday life. Confucianism…

  • The Confucianism Role in Early Chinese Society

    The importance of Confucianism for early Chinese society is conditional upon its role in establishing relationships among the citizens. In order to do so, the followers of this approach were guided by five relationships, and they seem quite informative from the perspective of analyzing its structure. However, these aspects had both benefits and drawbacks for…