Category: Confucianism

  • Ethics in Confucianism (Chinese Religion)

    Religion and philosophy are thought to be inextricably linked in the East. Confucianism is a belief founded on the ethics and philosophy of Confucius, a Chinese philosopher (Weiming, 2021). Confucianism is more commonly described as a social and ethical doctrine than religion. Confucianism does not have a deity, but it embraces the veneration of ancestors…

  • Confucianism as Ethical-Philosophical Doctrine

    Confucianism is an ethical-philosophical doctrine that became widespread in the countries of the Asian region. The main issues are the relationship between rulers and subjects, moral qualities, and virtue as obligatory character traits for all people. The teachings of Confucius have developed as one of the greatest because they include historical, poetic, governmental, and many…

  • Confucianism as the Ideology of the State

    Table of Contents Introduction The Main Values The Hierarchies Impact of Confucianism Conclusion Introduction The history of Ancient China is rich and highly diverse, with various schools of thought coming to prominence during its existence. With many changes to its internal structure came events that influenced the values held by the people of China. Revolts…

  • Confucianism as the State Ideology of Ancient China

    Introduction Ancient China is a civilization with a varied and long history of philosophical discovery and thought. Among others, the teachings of Confucius have had the biggest impact on the modern understanding of China and the cultural perception of Asian philosophy. Confuciuss teaching put much emphasis on personal improvement and tradition as a way for…

  • Confucianism and Human Rights Development

    Confucianism is the main component of Eastern culture and the Chinese one in particular. The Confucian school was founded in the late 6th and early 5th centuries BC and it has influenced the Chinese culture till the present time. The structure of the Chinese political system and its socio-economic structure with the societys values and…

  • Confucianism as the Ideology of the State

    Table of Contents Introduction The Main Values The Hierarchies Impact of Confucianism Conclusion Introduction The history of Ancient China is rich and highly diverse, with various schools of thought coming to prominence during its existence. With many changes to its internal structure came events that influenced the values held by the people of China. Revolts…

  • Confucianism as the State Ideology of Ancient China

    Introduction Ancient China is a civilization with a varied and long history of philosophical discovery and thought. Among others, the teachings of Confucius have had the biggest impact on the modern understanding of China and the cultural perception of Asian philosophy. Confuciuss teaching put much emphasis on personal improvement and tradition as a way for…

  • Confucianism and Human Rights Development

    Confucianism is the main component of Eastern culture and the Chinese one in particular. The Confucian school was founded in the late 6th and early 5th centuries BC and it has influenced the Chinese culture till the present time. The structure of the Chinese political system and its socio-economic structure with the societys values and…

  • The Influence of Confucianism on Chinese Parenting

    Table of Contents Introduction Boosting Student Performance Determining Family Structure Deteriorating Mental Health Conclusion References Introduction Confucianism and its practices have left their mark on the history of many Eastern countries, especially China, and can be seen in the attitude toward academic success that is commonly inculcated in children from a very early age. Moreover,…

  • Servant Leadership: Chinese Culture and Confucianism

    Servant leadership gained momentum several decades ago and has become quite a common approach to managing organizations on a global scale. An increasing number of people utilize this type of leadership style irrespective of the cultural background or the contexts they operate in. However, it is also necessary to note that servant leadership is more…