Category: Consciousness

  • Power Acquisition: Bias Mobilization and Shaping Consciousness

    Power is an essential construct, and most of individuals and organizations are striving to gain it. There are several ways of acquiring the power, however, most of these means necessitate strong competitiveness and readiness for high stakes. This is especially relevant for organizations that are striving in a very competitive environment (Fowler, 2012). Both people…

  • Descartes and Lockes Views on Self-Identity and Consciousness

    Table of Contents Introduction Descartes View of the Self Lockes View of Self Identity Comparison of Views Summary Works Cited Introduction In this paper, I will summarize and compare the views of Descartes and Locke on self-identity and consciousness. Descartes presents a soul-based view of identity, while Locke advocates for a psychological view of the…

  • The Origins of the National Consciousness by Benedict Anderson

    In The Origins of the National Consciousness, Anderson views the role of the development of print-as-commodity as the moving force of the qualitatively new consciousness in the society of the 17th century driven by the generation of authentic and progressive ideas (37). Anderson points out that the rapid development of capitalism in the world and…

  • Consciousness in Thomas Nagels View

    The intractability of the mind-body problem arises from consciousness as it is a concept that cannot be discussed exhaustively. With consciousness being an important component of the mind-body problem, then the latter becomes even more complicated to debunk. Therefore, without debunking consciousness, the mind-body problem also remains unsolved. According to Nagel, mental consciousness only occurs…

  • Consciousness: Science and Technology

    Table of Contents Exceptional Human Experiences Out of the body experiences Near-Death Experiences Mystical experiences Application References Exceptional Human Experiences The issue of exceptional human experiences is begging to be brought out at the beginning of the chapter. This is presented in the context of various experiences that are not a usual phenomenon to many…

  • Power Acquisition: Bias Mobilization and Shaping Consciousness

    Power is an essential construct, and most of individuals and organizations are striving to gain it. There are several ways of acquiring the power, however, most of these means necessitate strong competitiveness and readiness for high stakes. This is especially relevant for organizations that are striving in a very competitive environment (Fowler, 2012). Both people…

  • Materialist Theory of Consciousness and Counterarguments

    Argument of the Materialistic Theory of Consciousness The materialistic theory of consciousness focuses on the idea that consciousness is material and ceases to exist with the annihilation of the body. Remarkably, there are three types of arguments supporting the materialist theory of consciousness. These are panpsychism, illusionism, and arguments suggesting that consciousness has an emergent…

  • Self-Consciousness in Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit

    The Phenomenology of Spirit is a philosophical work by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, first published in 1807. The result of this paper is a systematic attempt to chart the development of human consciousness as it moves from naivety and unconsciousness through various stages of self-awareness until it finally reaches a state of full self-consciousness and…

  • Ghana Calls: The Concept of Double Consciousness in Literary Sense

    Table of Contents Introduction Summary and Explanation of the Poem Thematic Concerns Poetic Devices Used by the Composer Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Ghana Calls is an outstanding poem not only among Ghanaians but also among people who support and believe in the idea of liberation. The literary work was composed by William Du Bois as…

  • Consciousness and Psychedelic Sciences in Managing Schizophrenia

    Introduction Behavioral management is emerging as a significant intervention in psychiatric treatment, focusing mainly on preserving order for those with clinical mental illness. In abnormal psychology, schizophrenia is seen as a severe mental condition in which individuals perceive reality in an aberrant manner. This research critique incorporates a study on the long-term, transformational impacts and…