Category: Conservation of Forest

  • Role Of Media In Environment Awareness

    Environmental awareness Environmental awareness means being aware of the natural environment and making choices that benefit the earth, rather than hurt it. Some of the ways to practice environmental awareness include: using safe and non-toxic building supplies, conserving energy and water, recycling, activism, and others. Environmental awareness is to understand the fragility of our environment…

  • Leviathan And Thomas Hobbes

    By developing of Machiavellis political theory and ideas based on the government in a philosophic way that influenced the important names such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau, John Locke, and Immanuel Kant, Thomas Hobbes, being among the founders of modern political philosophy, emphasized the importance of the social contract and the state of human nature in his…

  • Measures Required For Healthy Urbanization

    Introduction Urbanization can be defined as drift of population from rural and agricultural land to urban and non-agricultural sectors (Gollin et al 2002; Michaels et al 2012). The UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (2018), has reported that worlds urban population has accelerated from 751 million in 1950 to 4.2 billion in 2018 and…

  • The Role Of Technology And Science In Population Growth

    Throughout the twentieth and twenty-first century, world population increased exponentially in accordance to immigration, technological advances that improved quality of life as well as elongated lifespans, and exponential growth in food production productivity. These factors have created persistent population growth even as mortality and fertility rates decrease. In the United States alone, through demographic transition,…

  • Analysis On The Effects Of Population Growth

    As a consultant to the United Nations, I have been asked to examine how the continued increase in the use of natural resources by the global population is partially leading to the release of greenhouse gases and how their release affects developing countries, namely Sierra Leone, West Africa. In this analysis, I will have background…

  • To What Extent Surfing Communities Engage In Ecological Action That Respond To 21st Century Environmental Problems?

    Introduction Coastal ecosystems are areas where the land and water meet creating a distinct structural and diverse environment. Unfortunately, coastal ecosystems are highly sensitive to changes in the surrounding environment, causing concern that some areas will now struggle to maintain biodiversity due to human activity, and other factors (Council 2015). One major ecosystem present along…

  • Interactions Between Native Vs. Exotic Plant Species And Pollinators In Urban Green Space

    Summary This report is to identify the native versus exotic plant species that have visited by the most insect pollinators in the urban greenspace by the monitoring program which is conducted by the citizen scientists and discuss the management strategies that can enhance the pollinator diversity with the help from people in the world. Pollinators…

  • Does The Vegetarianism Help The Animal World?

    Do you know choosing to eat few animals or no animals at all or even their products dont make a difference neither for the animal kingdom nor for the world? Does being a vegetarian help or contribute to the animal world? While others say that its a supply and demand issue meaning that, letting domestic…

  • Conservation And The Dying Hunter

    Conservation, noun, con·ser·va·tionÌkän(t)-sYr-Èv-shYn : a careful preservation and protection of something, especially : planned management of a natural resource to prevent exploitation, destruction, or neglect (Merriam-Webster). This definition embodies the wildlife conservation efforts of America. When many people think of wildlife conservation, it does not immediately come to mind how much money and efforts are…

  • Functional Trait And Demography Of Populations Of Khaya Grandifoliola, A Gallery Forest

    Abstract In the context of climate change, the conservation and management of tropical forests are the main priorities worldwide. Or climate change and anthropogenic pressures lead to changes in biodiversity and to the resilience of certain species in the face of extreme climatic and anthropogenic events. However, quantifying the resilience of species and their ecosystems…