Category: Conservation of Forest

  • How Quran Glorifies Nature

    Definition of Nature in Western Perspective and Islamic Perspective Nature in Cambridge Dictionary is defined all the animals, plants, rocks, etc. in the world and all the features, forces, and processes that happen or exist independently of people, such as the weather, the sea, mountains, the production of young animals or plants, and growth. Generally,…

  • A Healthier Lifestyle For A Healthier Planet

    Many people are unaware of how the food they eat and their choices regarding food affect the environment. Everything, from the food people consume, the groceries they buy, and the restaurants they eat at places a massive strain on the environment that manifests in a multitude of detrimental consequences. This major ecological impact associated with…

  • Why America Should Convert To Vegetarianism

    The meat industry has created major issues for the population of the United States and the world altogether. Vegetarians live a much longer, enjoyable life as their antioxidant filled diets keep them mentally and physically healthy. Those that choose to consume animals are automatically put at a much higher risk of death from poor diet…

  • The Effects Of Hunting On The Environment

    Today in America there is a growing distain for the hunting community. Many people see the act of hunting as immoral, cruel, and bad for the environment and would rather spend their time in the great outdoors hiking, bird watching, or taking photography. Since the early 1990s there has been a drastic drop in the…

  • The Environmental Ethics And Hinduism Religion

    For the research essay assignment on Eastern traditions in the Modern World, I chose as my subject Hinduism and the role that their environmental ethics plays with regards to the environment, when worldwide concerted efforts will be required to protect the earths natural environment from destruction as a result of irresponsible human activity. I will…

  • Can Social Media Save Our Planet?

    Twenty-five years ago, people could be excused for not knowing much, or doing much about climate change. Today we have no excuse -Desmond Tutu Research shows that six in ten Americans receive their news from social media (Gladston, I., & Wing, T. 2019). Social media is a fast and effective way to inform its users…

  • Remote Detecting Of Earthly Plant Biodiversity

    Subject Introduction The extravagance of life on earth which is called as the Biodiversity, is a basic component which shows the wellbeing of the biological systems on the Planet (Salazar J, 2010 ) Every species in the environment, regardless of how little or how huge, every one of them have their very own specialties and…

  • Electricity Consumption In Malaysia And Its Consequences

    Energy is certainly one of the most critical driving forces required to advance a country. It is not just an important ingredient in economic growth; it is key in maintaining a nation’s sustained sustainable growth. For all humans, the use of electricity is crucially important to maintain life on the planet since it contributes to…

  • Factors Affecting Swift Population On The Mainland, Tasmania

    The Swift Parrot (Lathamus discolor) native to Tasmania Australia, is the quickest parrot on the planet, however, now being critically endangered is on a fast decline to extinction. According to a Conservation Volunteers Australia webpage, there are just approximately 2000 Swift Parrots left in the wild. The Swift Parrot travels across over Bass Strait to…

  • Features, Life And Habitat Of Bengal Tiger

    We live in the 21st century and yes, we have moved past a lot of barriers like caste, creed, colonialism and many others but still, we have a long way to go before we fully act like we live in the 21st century. What we often forget is that the Earth belongs not only to…