Category: Corporation

  • Telstra Corporations Project Management

    Table of Contents Executive Summary Introduction Organizational Context Literature Review Evaluation of the Literature Sources Recommendation Conclusion Reference List Executive Summary The report is under the study of the Telstra Corporation, which deals with telecommunication services. Its establishment began during the gain of independence of the Australian Government. The report explicitly outlines the main models,…

  • Target Corporations Data Theft Analysis

    Introduction While technological advancement has facilitated access and utilization of many online resources for efficient transactions and improved human interactions, hacking activities have exponentially increased. Identity theft has been defined as the unauthorized or unlawful use of another persons private data for ones gain (Irshad & Soomro, 2018). Hacking, which entails manipulating computer systems and…

  • Walmart Retail Corporations Project Management

    Introduction Walmart is a famous retail corporation that saves money and improves human lives globally. It promotes a commercialization partnership with Adobe to serve better customers (Walmart to offer technologies and capabilities, 2021). This paper focuses on the chosen information technology (IT) context and analyzes several project management methodologies and tools. Methodologies Scrum vs. Kanban…

  • Hoeganaes Corporations Fire Safety Assessment

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion References Introduction In 2011, Hoeganaes Corporation in Gallatin reported three incidents related to the violation of the fire safety protocols. Considering the CBS (2011) report, the primary risk associated with the corporation is dealing with a highly flammable steel powder. Thus, when contacted by moisture, combustible metal dust can…

  • Microsoft Corporation Strategic Management

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction Microsoft Corporation remains one of the most competitive and profitable companies in the global computer and software industries. Microsofts first core competence is the presence of high-quality products that meet the needs of more customers, including Windows, Skype, Office, Visual Studio, and software applications (Lohr 2018).…

  • The Network for the Corporations New Office Park

    Introduction The proposed network for the Corporations new office park will be a multi-building, wired, and wireless setup that provides the necessary security, speed, and fault tolerance. The network will consist of three buildings, each with two floors and 40 employees (Lee et al. 641). Four networked laser printers will be located on each floor…

  • SEITZ Corporation: Project Management

    Communication in the project Project management remains one of the most pertinent business undertakings presently. Project management as an undertaking defines and distinguishes between the success or failure of many processes today. A vital inseparable element of project management is communication (Gido & Clements, 2010). Conflict in communication can be catastrophic to the project. SEITZ…

  • Telstra Corporations Projects as Complex Adaptive Systems

    Executive Summary This report examines a review of Complex Adaptive Systems used by Telstra late concerning the literature review on Portfolios of agile projects: a complex adaptive systems agent perspective by Sweetman and Conboy, 2018, focuses on the organizations management sectors performance and how the application of agile project management can be utilized by the…

  • Microsoft Corporation: Lack of Innovation

    Abstract Innovation is paramount in the contemporary technology industry. Competition in the smartphone industry calls for production of sophisticated devices. Lack of change at Microsoft contributes to the poor performance of the companys smartphone. Microsofts Windows Phone operates on a system that does not support many applications. Moreover, the company is slow in the production…

  • Costco Wholesale Corporation IT and Data Storage

    Table of Contents Introduction Importance of IT Infrastructure Data Storage Methods for Databases Conclusion References Introduction Costco Wholesale Corporation, the company chosen for this task, can realize much importance of information management for its operations. Generally, Costco uses information management to execute its strategies and attain business objectives. Information management is designed to add value…