Category: Counseling

  • Analysis of Professional Counseling and Social-Justice Perspective

    Professional counseling practice is continuously changing nowadays; however, several issues still remain; for instance, the problem of biases in higher education. There is no doubt that counselors in schools are some of the most vital workers since they assist students. Nevertheless, it is evident that many of them try to navigate their ideas in a…

  • Counseling Profession Analysis: Current State of the Profession and Potential Threats

    Table of Contents The current state of the profession Potential threats Recommendations References The current state of the profession The counseling profession offers a wide range of services. It ranges from counseling students on various issues regarding their academic work to families in a crisis situation. However, the acceptance and prominence of counseling as a…

  • Psychology: Christian Counseling

    Table of Contents Active-Listening Approach Cognitive and Solution-Focused Approach Inner Healing Approach Mixed Approach Describing One Model Reference List Counseling is a useful practice because it makes it easier for troubled persons to have better lives. This situation explains why lay approaches to religious counseling have become common today. The four models of Christian counseling…

  • Medical and Psychological Genetic Counseling

    Table of Contents Introduction Health Factors and Reasons for Genetic Counseling Screening and Diagnostics Treatment, Preventive Intervention, and Monitoring Prognostics Possible Reactions of the Patient to Genetic Counseling Conclusion References Introduction Genetic counseling is defined as the process of helping people understand and adapt to the medical, psychological, and familial implications of genetic contributions to…

  • Counseling Research: A Practitioner-Scholar Approach

    Research Importance There are many advantages to relying on research in the practice of counseling. A mix of practitioner-scholar and scientist-practitioner models emphasizes its utility as clinical training, research, and practice are tightly intertwined, with the overlap in required skills and competencies (Balkin & Kleist, 2017, p. 16). According to Balkin and Kleist (2017), a…

  • Assessment, Goal Setting, and Review in Counseling

    Table of Contents Introduction Theory Options Practitioner Beliefs Client Characteristics Counsellor Workplace Conclusion References Introduction Counseling phases and their relationship with theoretical and practical implications are of exceptional interest to researchers worldwide. Successful consultation outcomes are highly dependent on various factors, even such as advisors attitudes (Clark, Moe, & Hays, 2017, p. 259). Proper understanding…

  • Ethical Consideration in Group Counseling

    Table of Contents Introduction Development Management Conclusion References Introduction There has been an advent in the use of group counseling for the benefit of members of the community in realizing personal and community goals. Group counseling serves various purposes in schools, colleges, universities, churches, and the community. Group counseling is whereby a small number of…

  • Genetic Counseling for Cystic Fibrosis

    Some of the inherited genes may predispose individuals to certain health conditions like cystic fibrosis among other inheritable diseases. Therefore, genetic counseling is recommended for people with a family history of a certain inheritable condition. This paper discusses the reasons for genetic counseling and possible responses from a patient together with ways of avoiding negative…

  • Trauma-Informed Counseling Techniques in Indigenous Communities

    Table of Contents Introduction Critical Questions Transference Toward Original People Diagnosis as a Naming Ceremony Therapists as perpetrators of historical trauma Clinical Racism in Indian Country Conclusion Reference Introduction Durans book outlines how colonialism and racism have shaped the experiences of indigenous people, leading to systemic wounds that can affect every aspect of their lives.…

  • Group Counseling for Children and Disabled People

    What are some concerns about doing groups with children? Working with children is always a complicated process as no matter how long one works with this category and how much experience one has, each time work is a hard affair with a great many difficulties. Working with children, one is unable to reach them using…