Category: Countries

  • Direct Democracy vs Representative Democracy Essay

    Democracy began in Ancient Greece in fifth century B.C., meaning rule by the people it allows certain citizens to gather and make binding decisions together about the rule of the people Our constitution is called a democracy because power is in the hands not of a minority but of the whole people (Pericles speech from…

  • The Main Policy Options For Reducing Global Inequalities

    Global inequality describes the economic and social disparities between countries or individuals in the world. This includes income and wealth differences as well as access to education, sanitation and the freedom to make economic and social choices. Although it can be conceived that progress has been made towards closing the observable inequalities between nations and…

  • What Is Patriotism? Essay

    Are you proud of what race you came from? Do you love your own country? Are you willing to protect your mother country no matter what happens? Now in our essay, our focus is to talk about patriotism and why a person wants to be a patriot. What’s patriotism going to be? It is an…

  • What Is Patriotism Essay

    All of us are proud of what race we came from and all of us love our own country no matter what happens. Now in our essay, we will talk about patriotism and how we can say that one person s a patriot. First, we are defining patriotism as love for own country or homeland.…

  • Some Countries Have Become Too Powerful and Exploit Weaker Countries: An Essay

    The phenomenon of trading with and aiding foreign countries has been around for centuries. Trade is defined as the buying and selling of goods and services, and aid as a source of help or assistance. As of 2019, it can be seen that the countries that trade and provide the most aid are amongst some…

  • The Approaches To Overcome Inequality

    Inequality can be described as the uneven distribution of opportunities, prizes, and power between individuals, households, and groups (Turner, 2006). This division, based on differences between people, is the fundament of every modern and class-divided society. Inequality has risen across the world for several decades; some countries have decreased the numbers of extremely poor people,…

  • My Critical View of America and Its Perfection: Critical Essay

    America is under the false impression that it is the best nation on Earth, which is funny because America is the only one that thinks so. Around the globe, countries strive to gain the respect and admiration of other populations, and in doing so, America is losing some of its might in the international community.…

  • Essay About My Experience of Moving to Another Country

    Imagine moving to Japan when you are seven years old. Growing up in the military I have seen a good portion of the world. Japan though is to date the most memorable. See when you are a kid everything is new and exciting to you, more so when you think you are going to go…

  • Love Your Country Like a Hero: Essay

    This subject taught me many things one is how to think deeper based on his works among all the works that we tackled only few and certain things remembered and gave me an idea of things, how can bravery take place as a woman, Filipino, youth and as a student. One certain thing struck me…

  • Essay about the Country of Mongolia

    According to history, Mongolia is situated in the North-Central Asia. It can be roughly identified as being oval in its shape with the following measurements 1,486 miles (2392km) from the western to the eastern part at approximately a maximum of 782 miles, which is equal to 1259km when measured north to south. The land of…