Category: Court

  • Introduction of Information Technologies in Court

    The development of digital technologies has proved the prospect of introducing artificial intelligence in court. The introduction of AI into court office work is one of the modern trends in the development of criminal justice, which has proved to be efficient. Chinas first success in this area was the Hangzhou Internet Court, which was proposed…

  • Psychologists Involvement in Civil Court Area

    Psychologists have varied interests within the civil court. Their involvement as skilled personnel usually targets the examination of emotional elements associated with individual injury litigation. Their key role is to examine particular emotional consequences that may emanate from traumatic hazards. In conducting their duties, an array of psychological applications and initiatives are always conducted. Of…

  • Expert Testimony Usage in a Court of Law

    Table of Contents Abstract Analysis of Cases Conclusion References Abstract The present paper has used DNA and insider trading cases to illuminate important concepts associated with the use of expert testimony in a court of law. From the analysis of the cases, the paper has been able to synthesis most of the principles that guide…

  • Veterans Court Designing: Three Crucial Stages

    Table of Contents Understanding What Veterans Face How a Veterans Court Should Be Structured Treatment Programs and Veterans Compliance References Understanding What Veterans Face It is no secret that the battlefield changes a person forever. Many veterans suffer from the traumatic things they have experienced during their military careers. These lead to post-traumatic stress disorder…

  • The American Supreme Court: Series of Evolution

    Like every branch of the federal government, the Supreme Court has since its creation gone through a series of evolutions. When it was first constituted, the constitution did not fully define how the court would look like. In the course of time, there have been many attempts from different quarters to organize the court and…

  • American Congress, President, and the Supreme Court

    Having a sneak preview in the contemporary life in America reveals an element of hurriedness in almost every aspect of life. People seem to be harrying towards a set objective that only they can see. The observation that almost everything seems to be at an escalating speed towards an unknown goal is something that has…

  • Psychologists Involvement in Civil Court Area

    Psychologists have varied interests within the civil court. Their involvement as skilled personnel usually targets the examination of emotional elements associated with individual injury litigation. Their key role is to examine particular emotional consequences that may emanate from traumatic hazards. In conducting their duties, an array of psychological applications and initiatives are always conducted. Of…

  • The U.S. Supreme Court Election System

    The Theme of the Movie This documentary Supreme Revenge: Battle for the Supreme Court focuses on the evolution of the U.S. Supreme Court election system, illustrating procedures, nuances, and high-profile cases. The Bork, Thomas, and Kavanaugh cases are on the radar of most citizens, so it was exciting to delve into their election and non-election…

  • Court Cases That Impacted to Death Penalty

    Summary Atkins v. Virginia. Daryl Atkins, who has an IQ of 59, was found guilty of murdering an Air Force enlisted man inside a convenience shop and was sentenced to death for his crime. In this case, the court decided that executing mentally retarded people was unlawful (Johnson et al., 2022). Nevertheless, the court did…

  • Is the International Criminal Court Effective?

    Table of Contents Introduction Background Arguments Counter Argument Conclusion References Introduction In the past years, the world recorded severe criminal cases, including genocide that left the majority of people dead. Such incidents caught international attention prompting the establishment of the International Criminal Court (ICC). The system was aimed at ending the impunity that was growing…