Category: Court

  • Supreme Court Justice: Homosexual Marriages

    Table of Contents Introduction Role of the Court Judicial Activism vs. Restraint The Federal Defense Marriage Act References Introduction The question of homosexual relations and untraditional marriages remains to be open for a long period of time. It is hard to make all people choose the same position and stick to it all the time.…

  • Somalia v. Kenya: International Court of Justice

    Table of Contents Summary of the Resolution Legal Solution Facts Related to the Case Reflection on the Case Works Cited The case that will be analyzed is Somalia v. Kenya. It is one of the contentious cases heard by the International Court of Justice. This case is of special interest because it is related to…

  • Supreme Court: Miranda vs. Arizona

    Miranda v. Arizona is among the most notable Supreme Court cases that were decided in the second half of the twentieth century. Miranda, a rapist, was arrested and, after interrogation in the police department, he admitted that he had committed the crime. As a result, Miranda was sentenced to 30 years. Certain representatives of the…

  • The Family Law Court System Functioning

    Introduction It is worth noting that family law is one of the most complex and labor-intensive areas of jurisdiction because it is directly linked to the realities of life and, as a rule, affects people in their most sensitive moments. This places additional responsibility on lawyers, attorneys, and all participants in the judicial process. Moreover,…

  • Alternative Procedures Against Returns to Court

    What was Kalief arrested for and how old was he? Kalief Browder was arrested in the Bronx for supposedly stealing a backpack. During that time, Kalief was sixteen years old, and the arrest resulted in him being jailed at Rikers Island (Kalief Browder, in His Own Words). However, it is important to note that the…

  • Puerto Rico Court System

    Background information Puerto Ricos judicial system currently comprises of the Supreme Court, which is the highest court in the region and also mandated to direct the entire judicial system. Other courts include judicial districts courts, which are meant to deal with the most basic cases. Higher than the judicial district courts are municipal courts, then…

  • The US Supreme Court Jurisdiction Evolvement

    The U.S. Supreme Court represents one of the three branches of power that ensures the effective work of the system of checks and balances. This institution was established in 1798 within the scope of the U.S. Constitution (Urofsky 319). The Supreme Court, as well as its layout and jurisdiction, was not properly documented or accepted…

  • Life Terms and Limits of the Supreme Court Justice

    Table of Contents Introduction The Purpose and Benefits of the Life Limits Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The life terms of the Supreme Court Justices have caused many debates. This paper presents an analysis of this issue and discusses the purpose and benefits of the lifelong terms. It also considers a contrary opinion on the topic…

  • American Democracy and Landmark Supreme Court Cases

    Table of Contents Introduction Basic Ideas and Principles of American Democracy Landmark Supreme Court Cases Conclusion References Introduction The origins of American democracy date back to1776, when the Declaration of Independence was first issued. 1778, the year when the Constitution was ratified by the states, was another important historical turning point. However, the real birth…

  • Disempowerment of Women in King Arthurs Court

    Abstract Thomas Malorys book Le Morte Darthur: The Winchester Manuscript is about the life and death of King Arthur. Apart from ventures and battles, it depicts the disempowerment of women in King Arthurs Court, an issue which is not so frequently discussed by scholars in frames of the book Le Morte Darthur: The Winchester Manuscript.…