Category: Crime Investigation

  • Postmodern Criminology: The Violence of the Language

    Starting from the 1990s, postmodern criminology has been gaining substantial importance. This discipline lays particular emphasis on such aspects as gender, class, and race in its theories of the origins of crime. According to Arrigo (2019), postmodern criminology recognizes the specific value of language as a non-neutral, politically charged instrument of communication. Linguistic elements serve…

  • Criminal Investigation: Offense Issues

    Prosecuting a crime is a process, which is not limited by the processes related to the investigation. In that regard, it will be an understatement to say that the work is finished with merely collecting evidences, interviewing witnesses, and catching the offender. Bringing the case to the court is another stage of the prosecution, where…

  • The Due Process: Criminology

    Introduction Due process refers to the process that a government should use to handle its citizens in case of a law violation to ensure that there is justice and fairness. The government must under all circumstances respect every individuals legal rights as dictated by the law (Tribe, 1975). Due process refers to the government as…

  • Criminology: About Corporate Fraud

    Introduction Occupation fraud which is also known as internal fraud or employee fraud, theft, or embezzlement refers to &.the use of ones occupation for personal enrichment through the deliberate misuse or misapplication of the employing organizations resources or assets (Wells, 1997, p.14). However, there exist three major classes of Occupation frauds. Firstly, embezzlement of possessions…

  • Contemporary Theories in Criminology

    Three methods of measuring crimes. Their advantages and disadvantages Usually, scholars single out three major methods of measuring crime: official statistics, the survey of victims, and self-report analysis (Tierney, 2004). Each of these techniques has its advantages and disadvantages. Only their combined usage can give in-depth insights into the criminological situation in the country or…

  • Criminology Discipline and Theories

    Introduction The discipline of criminology helps to understand why individuals commit particular crimes as well as the factors that lure them into offenses. Understanding the reasons why people engage in crimes can go a long way towards developing strategies to mitigate felonies. Besides, it can help law enforcers to preempt crimes and lower cases of…

  • Use of Statistics in Criminal Justice and Criminology

    The book Statistics for Criminology and Criminal Justice focuses on the usage of statistics, which can be considered one of the most important means of studying crime in its quantitative and qualitative terms. It contains data on the number of offenses committed, their structure and dynamics, as well as information about the offenders personality. Chapter…

  • Approaches in Criminal Investigation

    There are many types of investigation methods used by investigators. They comprise inductive reasoning, theory, synthesis, priori, posterior, deduction, hypothesis, classification, and analysis. Any of these approaches assist investigators in their investigations. Inductive reasoning is the method of thinking that starts with concrete details to draw a general inference (Osterburg & Ward, 2019). It allows…

  • Criminology: USA Patriot Act Overview

    Table of Contents Introduction Organizational policy The Act, on privacy Organizational view on the Act The Acts impact Conclusion Reference List Introduction USA PATRIOT ACT was enacted in 2001 in reaction to the September 11, bomb attack on the US. Reauthorization was passed in 2005 by Senate and made permanent most of the previous provisions…

  • Federal Bureau of Investigation: Criminal Justice

    Table of Contents Introduction Able stewardship of J. Edward Hoover Its predominant goals and values 100 years of worthwhile existence Changes security scenario after 9/11 Conclusion Reference Introduction The writer wishes to write about the Federal Bureau of Investigation, a premier internal criminal justice agency in the United States of America. Created in the year…