Category: Cultural Identity

  • The Namesake’ Expository Essay

    Sunday Adelaja once said, Names have a great influence on the destiny of the person, who bears the name. In Jhumpa Lahirs novel The Namesake, Lahir tells the story of a Bengali man named Gogol who, throughout his life, has experienced an identity crisis. The name given to him at birth was solely supposed to…

  • How Has Your Culture Influenced Who You Are: Essay

    Culture is defined in many different ways by different people. Whether talking about American culture, LGBT culture, or Deaf culture, they are all a system of knowledge. Culture shapes us because it consists of values, beliefs, language, behaviors, and practices that people share. These influence us on how to think, interact, and behave in the…

  • Essay on Why Am I Proud to Be an American

    When people ask you, or when you ask yourself what it means to be American, what usually comes to mind? For most people, they would say to be american would mean to be born in America or to be a citizen of America. While those are correct answers, the question can go rather deep with…

  • Concept of Multiculturalism: Analytical Overview

    Political concepts are intrinsically polysemous. For many of them, there is no universal definition that comes without dispute. In this essay, I will argue that political concepts are subject to contestation due to the fact that humans and societies are not static, we are subject to constant change because of environment or culture for example.…

  • How Does Culture Shape Our Identity: Essay

    I was born in Enugu, a small city in Nigeria, into a proud Nigerian family, which is something very few people know about me. Both of my parents come from the Igbo tribe, whose dominant language is Igbo. About three years after I was born, my father got a visa to immigrate to Canada, then…

  • Cultural Background and Identity Essay

    Cultural identity is defined by the feeling of belonging to a group that includes many variables such as nationality, ethnicity, and social class. This identity heavily influences an individuals actions and is essential to their self-conception and self-perception. In Lisa Kos The Leavers, Deming is split between deciding which culture he is comfortable with and…

  • Language and Cultural Identity Essay

    Intro The Castle (1997), is the story of a Melbourne family living in close proximity to an airport, believing they are living the Australian dream, until the airport attempts to legally remove the Kerrigan family from their home and Darryl from his castle. The language conventions in The Castle reflect cultural identity to its audience.…

  • Why Is Cultural Identity Important

    Identity is the beliefs, personality, expressions, and qualities that make a person or group. Self-identity is a collection of beliefs about oneself. A person can explore their identity by asking themselves the question Who am I?. I personally have experienced the feeling of not feeling like the person I want to be or the person…

  • Cultural Identity Development Essay

    Thesis: The loss of cultural identity among English as a second language (ESL) learners should be attributed to the globalization of the English language as individuals develop new thinking, perspectives, and values that undermine their traditional culture. The supporting reasons are: Language largely influences the development of ones cultural identity (Hatoss, 2003) by creating tension…

  • Analytical Essay on The German People: Role of Fascism and Authoritarianism

    How successfully did Europe emerge from fascism and authoritarianism since 1945? Fascism has been defined as a radical form of authoritarian nationalism (Turner, 1975, p. 162). Fascism first emerged in Italy during the 1920s, followed by Germany in the 1930s and quickly spread to other neighbouring countries not long after. Fascism promoted a strong government,…