Category: Cyber Crimes

  • The Importance and Relevance of Cybersecurity in the Modern World

    A lot of development in devices is rapidly growing, enabling us to interact instantly worldwide. Nevertheless, not everyone in the virtual world uses ethics. In real world we have protection to prevent crimes that may occur, but also, we have cybersecurity to mitigate the digital worlds crime. Confidentiality means that only the people who have…

  • Emergence of Need for Legislations and Policies for Safeguarding Women Against Cyber Crime

    The technological advancements have unleashed new horizons of crime. Before the birth of the internet the concept of crime was somehow limited to, something physical or concrete which could be felt in real space or time. But after the development of internet and after the creation of the virtual space, the new dimension of crime…

  • Data Protection and Prevention of Cyber Crime

    Cybercrimes are liable for the interruption of ordinary pc features and has been acknowledged to cause the downfall of many organizations and private entities. This research paper ambitions to talk about following aspects of cybercrimes: the definition, why they arise, legal guidelines governing them, strategies of committing cybercrimes, who they affect, and cybercrime prevention tactics.…

  • Cyber Security and Malware Protection

    Cyber security is the act of protecting digital information and information systems. It focuses on protection of valuable information stored on those systems from adversaries who would want to obtain, corrupt, damage, destroy or prohibit access to it. Hence, it is a crucial part of the IT field. Malicious software, or malware, is a cyber…

  • Changes in the Future of Cyber Crimes and Policing: Analytical Essay

    Cybercrime and intrusions have been occurring over the past few decades. Over the years it has become more prevalent and sophisticated than in previous years. Cybercrime is used on a computer, whether by phone, desktop, or laptop over the internet or network. The world is connected through this technology and has many advantages; however, many…

  • Impact of Jurisdiction on Cybercrime Prosecution

    In the prosecution of cybercrime one of the most problematic issues is jurisdiction. Cybercrime presents difficulties in prosecution because its borderless. Cyberspace has made it possible for criminals to commit crimes anywhere in the world with ease of movement across geographic borders unmatched by law enforcement. Many of these criminals are not committing crimes in…

  • Expertise of Cyber Crimes and Their Influences over Society: Analytical Essay

    Abstract In the modern generation of online processing, maximum of the statistics is online and liable to cyber threats. There are a huge variety of cyber threats and their conduct is tough to early understanding hence tough to restrict inside the early stages of the cyber attacks. Cyber assaults may additionally have some motivation at…

  • Cyber Crimes against Women: Discursive Essay

    Crimes against women under cyber law: an introspection and suggestive study Abstract- Information and technology are the quintessence of the modern era. The virtual space is the present now and indeed cyberspace has quickly escalated the need for cyber laws. The dimensions of cyber crime have been expanding at a catastrophic rate. Paradoxically, the proportion…

  • Cyber Crime and Security in Business: Analytical Essay

    Abstract Cybercrime are in charge of the intrusion of ordinary PC works and has been known to cause the defeat of numerous organizations and individual substances. This exploration paper means to examine following parts of Cybercafes: the definition, why they happen, laws overseeing them, strategies for carrying out cybercafes, who they influence, and cybercrime counteractive…

  • Ways to Combat the Cyber Crimes: Analytical Essay

    Recommendation Besides joining Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) and international conventions such as Budapest Convention, there were still many steps we can do to combat the cyber crimes. In United Kingdom, Due to the increasing of the cyber crimes in United States, Police Central e-crime Unit (PCeU) formed by the Metropolitan Police service, and…