Category: Dance

  • The Agbadza Dance: Traditional Dance in Africa

    Introduction Dance implicates an expression that originates from the human heart and uses gestures and movements, that revolve around daily events to define ordinary and unique experiences for people. African communities highly regard dance as a sacred art that serves as the pivot around which African lives spout. This paper aims at educating people across…

  • The Transmission of Dance Techniques

    In this discussion post, I would like to provide my understanding of transmission and dance from the provided sources. First of all, the transmission of dance techniques, as discussed within the article by Anthea Kraut, can be summarized as a way of cultivating particular movement patterns through replication (Kraut). Through this replication, a technique will…

  • Modern Ballet and J-Setting Southern Dance Styles

    The dance represents a spectacular art of bodily movements and symbolic communication about the human experience. The art of dancing is closely intertwined with the symphonic musical accompaniment and, as a rule, with the lyrical background. In this essay, I will analyze three dances that vary in style, tile of creation, modernity, and audience-orientation. Sergei…

  • Dance for Self-Expression and Social Change

    Art has long been considered a form of undirect self-expression where people could reveal their feelings and emotions on a disturbing matter without directly speaking about them. Naturally, the government realized this and either started to use various forms of art as propaganda to influence society or wholly banned it. Overall, under communist rule in…

  • The Chinese Dragon Dance and Lion Dance

    Introduction: Into the Primitive People cannot live without rituals, which must be why dancing makes such a huge chunk of literally any culture. There is something entrancing in performing ritual motions. The Chinese Dragon Dance and Lion Dance are the exact representation of the above-mentioned; moreover, because their long Evo solution, they merged at some…

  • African Ritual Dance Style

    Table of Contents Introduction Significance and the History of the Dance Style Cultural Significance Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Culture is one of the main distinctive features which helps consider the differences in countries. Each country has its own culture, and it is essential to consider the peculiarities of this culture to understand people and the…

  • The Love and Dance Terms in Modern Life

    No field is exempt from the sociopolitical influence of history in the modern world of neocolonialismeven and especially art. Current scholars and practitioners in the departments of Dance, Performance, and Africana Studies are working to dismantle the colonialist structures that still dictate our perception of what constitutes art and its function in our lives. The…

  • Riverdance: The History of the Dance, Features

    Riverdance is a dance performance with steps from traditional Irish step dancing. The main feature of this performance is that there will be only quick movements in the legs of the performers but they keep their arms and bodies remain fixed. At its most basic level, Riverdance is an exciting display of music, dancing, and…

  • Dance Activities and Morality in Bangladesh Society

    Munjulika Tarahs article explores the connection between dance activities, morality, and social context in Bangladesh society. Bangladeshi women often must give up their dancing careers after marriage due to objections from in-law relatives. The objections are sourced in the profound context of historical events where women dancers were often associated with sexually available women with…

  • Relation of the Terms Postcolonial and Dance

    The concept of dance refers to the rhythmical movements that match the tempo of the music. In some cases, dance is a set of repeated steps, whereas in other cases, a person can move freely without following a specific scheme or order. In my understanding, dance is about creativity and self-expression. At the same time,…