Category: Death of a Salesman

  • Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman Play Analysis

    Table of Contents Introduction Summary of the Play The Protagonists of the Story The Main Themes of the Play Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Death of a Salesman is a stage play that was written in 1949 by Arthur Miller, an American playwright and literary activist who was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for Drama. The play…

  • Symbolism in Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller

    Table of Contents Symbolism in Death of a Salesman: Introduction Death of a Salesman Symbolism Essay: Main Body Symbolism in Death of a Salesman: Summary & Conclusion Bibliography Symbols have a special significance in Death of a Salesman. Recurring images of the rubber hose, diamonds, and stockings help to convey the plays main message. This…

  • Material Success and Failure in Millers Play Death of a Salesman

    Table of Contents Introduction Football and the Seemingly Bright Future Car as a Part of the American Dream Diamonds and the Prosperity of Generations Seeds and Labor Champagne and Unattainable Wealth Stockings and the Feeling of Guilt Conclusion Reference Introduction In the play Death of a Salesman, written by Arthur Miller, the main themes are…

  • Millers Death of a Salesman: The Theme of the Small Man in the Play

    Table of Contents Characters Plot and Structure Dialogues Conclusion Works Cited Arthur Millers plays are characterized by the significance of the moral and ethical issues and the application of references to his heroes past, where roots of the present behavior lie. The desire to find profound implication in the ordinary, to create an emotional atmosphere…

  • American Family in Death of a Salesman

    The play Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller depicts life and destiny of an American family which dreams about prosperity and high social position in society. in this play, Miller tries to escape social contradictions by using a dramatic form. Fundamental in this play is the fact that Miller does not mask the analysis…

  • Death of a Salesman Dramatic Tragedy by Arthur Miller

    Table of Contents Introduction Alternative Interpretation Characters Tragedy Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The genre of dramatic tragedy is revealed comprehensively in the play Death of a Salesman written by Miller. The main character of the work is Willy Loman, a salesman who is disenchanted with his life and goes through the difficult steps of an…

  • The Representation of the American Dream in Death of a Salesman

    Table of Contents Death of Salesman: Overview Willy Lomans American Dream Biff Lomans Journey to the American Dream What the American Dream May Come The Future of the American Dream Conclusion References Living in a society where each person can achieve success and respect regardless of their origin, gender, or race was a general idea…

  • Analysis of The Death of a Salesman by A. Miller

    The Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller is a play that sheds light on issues several individuals in America experience in their quest for the American Dream. The storys protagonist, Willy Loman, is caught up in a web of self-denial, contradiction, and desperation. Like many individuals, he envisions living a comfortable life, providing for…

  • Death of a Salesman: the Theme of a Small Man in a Big City

    Introduction To some extent, the unique social and spiritual image of the United States attracts the constant attention of many people, including researchers and writers. The latter, as a rule, tend to understand and convey the originality of the American society, its past, present, and possible future scenario in their literary works. Little attention is…

  • Death of a Salesman: Imagery & Sumbolism

    Table of Contents Introduction Symbolic Imagery in Arthur Millers Death of A Salesman Conclusion Cited Works Introduction The Death of a Salesman was a tale of broken dreams, aspirations of the characters and unfulfilled promises. The Loman family is portrayed in the play as a dysfunctional family, each member with his or her issues. Willy…