Category: Democracy

  • Concept of Democracy in the Black Community

    Table of Contents Introduction Evidence Professional Sports Conclusion References Introduction Presently, the issue of sports and racism centers on the communal and biased implication associated with the issue of black athletic supremacy and/or the overall view of such presumed supremacy (Morgan, 2007). The hot subject dated April 23, 2006, featuring on United States news and…

  • Democracy: Principles and Critiques

    Diversity and Democracy Diversity has become a popular human resources concept in the recent years (Levine, 2003). The way its ideas seem to correlate with the principles of democracy makes them very alluring. The Democratic Principles Chosen Among the main principles of democracy the equality of all people and the importance of their inherent rights…

  • Democratic Views on Pro-Immigration

    In the contemporary world, where the process of globalization, alongside a series of other social and political factors, serves as a powerful driver of communication and relocation, immigration is one of the most frequently discussed subjects. This issue is relevant not only to the multinational countries such as the United States but to all the…

  • Principles and Literature Materials on Democracy and Governance

    Introduction This paper discusses documented concepts and democratic principles. Besides, it provides a brief discussion on and an evaluation of democracy and governance literature materials. The paper concludes by summarizing the main points in the essay. The Principle of Human Rights Human rights are considered universal and inalienable, interconnected, indivisible, and symbiotic (Catrinoiu, 2011). The…

  • Sexism, Democracy, and Modernization

    Table of Contents The fundamentals of sexism and its relation to democracy Sexism and modernization The conclusion References: The fundamentals of sexism and its relation to democracy When writing about sexism and its relation to democracy and modernization, I would like to prove how the issue of our discussion supports democracy. Generally, my argument will…

  • Technologies and Equality for Democratic Society

    What impact did the Industrial Revolution have in society? The Industrial Revolution is one of the most meaningful events in the history of humanity and its altered the social life greatly. First, it preconditioned the gradual rise of the level of comfort available to people as the appearance of new means of production promoted the…

  • Americans for Democratic Action

    The particular interest group that I would like to discuss is Americans for Democratic Action, abbreviated as ADA. The leaders and representatives of this interest group created their website where the most important information on the activity of group members is located (Who we are, 2016). On their website, there is a lot of information…

  • Gender Inequality in Democratic Welfare States

    Table of Contents Thesis Statement Introduction Gender Equality Liberal States Social Democratic States Other Variants When Equality is Incredible Conclusion References Thesis Statement This paper is claimed to evaluate the strategies of Liberal and Social Democratic political forces aimed at the alleviation of gender inequalities. Originally, both strategies can not be regarded as successful, however,…

  • Reconciling the Need for a Bureaucracy Versus All These Issues It Presents Against Democracy

    Although bureaucracy as a phenomenon has gained a rather negative coloring in the everyday use of the word, it is, in fact, supposed to describe a neutral phenomenon. Traditionally, the notion of bureaucracy is expected to imply strict adherence to rules and regulations, which, in itself, is a positive and even important part of organizational…

  • Human Democracy and Technology Development

    Introduction The extension of market ties beyond national boundaries contrasts with liberalism due to the international nature rather than the state form. Through the use of the principle, this disagreement may be handled in two methodologies: by restricting international and commercial relationships or by internationalizing political institutions. As to comprehend the studys concerns, the research…