Category: Dental Care

  • Dental Health Care Professionals Work During Covid-19 Pandemic

    Health care workers are at the greatest risk  they can encounter diseases and infections daily and typically work in close proximity to one another and their patients. Many are already under quarantine because of exposure to the virus. Need of the hour is to prevent certain viral infections. The ADA recommends following standard precautions…

  • Clinical Knowledge, Communication Skills And Ethics As The Fundamentals Of Dental Professionalism

    A profession is defined as a vocation with a body of knowledge and skills put into service for the good of others; the welfare of society (Van Mook et al., 2009). Medicine and dentistry are recognized by the public as the archetype of professionalism (Bloom, 2002). Professionalism is demonstrated through three key foundational elements: clinical…

  • Eco-friendly Dentistry Peculiarities: Barriers And Benefits

    Dentistry is going Green? There are a number of eco-friendly disruptions brought on by socially minded groups that are happening in dentistry that are highlighting my dental practices competitive vulnerabilities, while at the same time representing opportunities to turn those vulnerabilities into sustainable competitive advantages for many years to come. As of late, there has…

  • The Main Reasons Of Poor Dental Care In Australia

    The aging population has significantly escalated in Australia thus increasing the number of senior citizens in the residential facilities. According to Hibbert et al., (2019, p.01) most of these elderlies have dementia therefore, most of the residence are faced with challenges associated with this degenerative disease. One of the problems includes maintaining good oral health.…

  • Reasons And Solutions Of Elders Dental Care Absence

    In an era where technological advancements in medicine are rapidly growing, one may think that more people are receiving better healthcare. However, this is not the case since access to adequate healthcare is limited for many, especially the older generation. This is seen particularly in dental care, where a large portion of the elder population…

  • Dental Public Health Professional Development

    The importance of aligning education with career choice cannot be underestimated. Given the importance of passion for work, it seems much easier to develop passion by being successful and being a good person. Choosing a career that you enjoy can ultimately focus your attention on pursuing your career path. While choosing a degree major that…

  • Nigerian Oral Hygiene Struggle and Sustainable Solutions

    Nigeria is struggling with many health, infrastructural, economic and political challenges. But the most challenging of these issues is that major issues seem to be treated as minor issues and minor issues seem to be treated as major issues. As nationals and dental professionals that should uphold health we are asked to answer the varying…

  • Prevention of Transmission of Hepatitis in Dental Practice

    The oral cavity is increasingly becoming recognised as a window to general health. Hepatitis is a heterogeneous inflammatory liver disease which manifests in the oral cavity and has important implications in the dental setting. Dentists and oral health workers must be aware of the full spectrum of signs and symptoms, as well as how the…

  • Pros and Cons of Dental Implantation

    From the times that we were kids, we have heard our parents talking about the importance of dental care. We were denied too many sweets and were threatened by cavities and tooth decay. Later, we got into the habit of brushing and flossing like any other regular activity. Tooth care is absolutely essential and it…

  • Dental Health Care Professionals Work During Covid-19 Pandemic

    Health care workers are at the greatest risk  they can encounter diseases and infections daily and typically work in close proximity to one another and their patients. Many are already under quarantine because of exposure to the virus. Need of the hour is to prevent certain viral infections. The ADA recommends following standard precautions…