Category: Developing Countries

  • Issue for Farmers in Developing Countries

    Table of Contents Introduction The Controversial Issue: Agricultural Subsidies Conclusion Reference Introduction Agriculture is a very important sector in the whole world economy since it makes available, food to every living person. Considering trade and agriculture, the World Trade Organization is the main body that coordinates activities in these two areas, (WTO is an international…

  • Issue for Farmers in Developing Countries

    Table of Contents Introduction The Controversial Issue: Agricultural Subsidies Conclusion Reference Introduction Agriculture is a very important sector in the whole world economy since it makes available, food to every living person. Considering trade and agriculture, the World Trade Organization is the main body that coordinates activities in these two areas, (WTO is an international…

  • Homelessness and Poverty in Developed and Developing Countries

    In the present day and throughout history, homelessness and poverty have always been a highly crucial issues in almost every society across the globe that cannot stay unnoticeable. According to the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty (2015), every year, at least 2.5 to 3.5 million Americans sleep in shelters, transitional housing, and public…

  • Personalism and Patrimonialism in Developing Countries

    The whole history of humanity is characterized by the never stopping process of development: existing societys development and appearance of new societies and states. In terms of each society development it is possible to distinguish such phenomena as personalism and patrimonialism, they can be traced in all countries to a certain extent, but these phenomena…

  • Urbanization and Developing Countries

    Introduction In the past, the majority of individuals not only in developing nations but also in developed countries lived mostly in rural areas. However, with the advent of urbanization in addition to the ever-changing living patterns, most of the world populations have moved to areas they consider more urbanized. Although such movements have some advantages,…

  • Personalism and Patrimonialism in Developing Countries

    The whole history of humanity is characterized by the never stopping process of development: existing societys development and appearance of new societies and states. In terms of each society development it is possible to distinguish such phenomena as personalism and patrimonialism, they can be traced in all countries to a certain extent, but these phenomena…

  • Developing Countries Foreign Aid

    Abstract This research paper would investigate the impact of foreign aid on developing countries looking at their local economic infrastructure. (Henrik & Finn T, 2000). It identifies foreign aid as a key tool in the development of many countries. This paper uses mainly library research. References were made to Nepal, Kenya and Uganda. This paper…

  • Healthcare Programs in the Developing Countries

    Responsibility of governments of rich countries to help poor countries achieve better health The authorities of the well-off countries are obliged to take care of those territories that are less strong economically. The reason for that is that the health situation of the planet is not restricted by the national borders, and the infectious illnesses…

  • Medical Research in Developing Countries

    Clinical research is essential for discovering new treatments and vaccines for a wide variety of conditions and diseases. As medical research often involves human subjects, it is imperative to acquire their informed consent and ensure their safety and well-being during the study. This critique will consider three articles on the subject of medical research in…

  • Medical Research in Developing Countries

    Clinical research is essential for discovering new treatments and vaccines for a wide variety of conditions and diseases. As medical research often involves human subjects, it is imperative to acquire their informed consent and ensure their safety and well-being during the study. This critique will consider three articles on the subject of medical research in…