Category: Discovery

  • Gene Silencing. Fires, Mellos Discoveries

    Table of Contents Introduction Biography of Andrew Z. Fire Biography of Craig C. Mello Impact of the discovery Explanation of gene silencing and RNAi Conclusion Introduction Genes play important roles in physiological processes in the human body. Advancements in the field of biology have resulted in discoveries of essential processes with regard to genes. An…

  • Evolution History and Scientific Discoveries

    Evolution History Evolution is the theory that stipulates how changes occur among living organisms through the method that proves that all life is connected. From the time evolution was proposed, it has since been accepted, not as a theory, but as a fact. However, various theories are used to prove this fact and they have…

  • The Discovery of Additional Earth-Approaching Asteroids

    In recent years astronomers are becoming more interested in studying the space objects situated relatively close to Earth. While the cosmos is still not fully discovered and has potentially numerous unknown aspects, it represents both the field of scientific research and potential danger. Therefore, this paper aims to identify two main reasons astronomers started to…

  • Oceanography: Discovering Plate Tectonics

    Wegeners hypothesis, known as the theory of continental drift, was based on a wide range of data from geological expeditions worldwide. He was intrigued by the division of the American continents and worked to explain their non-standard shape. In addition, Wegener studied animal and plant fossils on the coastlines of Africa and South America. This…

  • Archeological Discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls

    In 1948, William Albright, who is one of the popular archaeologists claimed that the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls was one of the chief breakthroughs in the 20th century (Berg, 2009). The scrolls were found in a cave in the neighborhood of Khirbet Qumran. There were a number of artifacts in the cave, which…

  • Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention

    Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is a renowned professor of psychology and the author of the book Flow and Psychology of Discovery and Invention and is the latest book by the professor. In this book, creativity is closely examined by the author and clearly brought out in the chapters though some people believe that Mihaly has relied too…

  • Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention

    Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is a renowned professor of psychology and the author of the book Flow and Psychology of Discovery and Invention and is the latest book by the professor. In this book, creativity is closely examined by the author and clearly brought out in the chapters though some people believe that Mihaly has relied too…

  • How America Was Discovered Analysis

    The work of Handsome Lake How America was discovered is a fiction that bears more ideological and precaution character for a reader. The story of a white preacher who once met the Creator telling him about a country where people would be cruel and corrupt because of money greed and amorality is a sort of…

  • How America Was Discovered Analysis

    The work of Handsome Lake How America was discovered is a fiction that bears more ideological and precaution character for a reader. The story of a white preacher who once met the Creator telling him about a country where people would be cruel and corrupt because of money greed and amorality is a sort of…

  • Age of Discovery as Age of Destruction: Expansion Cost

    The era of great geographic discoveries is well-known and well-remembered for the supposed progress that it provided for Europe. However, up until recently, the massive harm caused to indigenous people, who have been severely affected by the thoughtless actions and violence of colonizers, has been neglected. Although economically, expansion into other parts of the world…