Category: Discovery

  • The Discovery of America: Effects on Native Americans

    Table of Contents European World Powers Motivation to Explore the Americas Economic Effects of Exploration Effects of Exploration on Native Americans Transmitting Old World Diseases References The Columbian exchange allowed peoples from the Old World to get to know tobacco and a host of other outlandish goods, plants, and animals. The development of America also…

  • Discovering Texas History: What Influenced Texas and Native Texans?

    How the Native Texans impacted the Europeans and later Americans who came into the region? The native Texans mostly influenced both the Americans and the Europeans who came to spread Christianity and to seek for land. However, the importance of the Texan residents to the two groups differed considerably as explained hereafter. When the Americans…

  • Californian Gold Discovery and Migration to West

    Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Peoples movement into the dreamland Discovery of Gold and its impact References Abstract People migrate from one end to the other with varied motives. The discovery of gold in California led to massive migration of people to the country. The desire for wealth turned people to monsters who could slaughter…

  • Western Discoveries and Innovations: Reaction of the Middle East

    Numerous technologies and innovations that appeared in Europe could not but have an impact on other parts of the world. However, anyone who looked at the world in the first centuries would see that modern science most likely originated not in Europe but in the Islamic world. Therefore, it is especially interesting to observe how…

  • Columbus Discoveries and the Outbreak of the Smallpox Connection

    Introduction Those who do not know history do not deserve future. It is really so as people who are not interested in the past of their country are not interested in the future as well. History is knowledge that people handle from one generation to the other. The book Colonial North America and the Atlantic…

  • Discovery of America: The Land of Opportunities and Resources

    Table of Contents Introduction Columbian Exchange Groups Affected Conclusion References Introduction Discovery of America is known to be one of the most significant events in world history, as it became one of the fundamental steps towards the formation of many great nations. America did indeed offer plenty of opportunities and resources to its colonizers. However,…

  • Age of Discovery as Age of Destruction: Expansion Cost

    The era of great geographic discoveries is well-known and well-remembered for the supposed progress that it provided for Europe. However, up until recently, the massive harm caused to indigenous people, who have been severely affected by the thoughtless actions and violence of colonizers, has been neglected. Although economically, expansion into other parts of the world…

  • The Discovery of America: Effects on Native Americans

    Table of Contents European World Powers Motivation to Explore the Americas Economic Effects of Exploration Effects of Exploration on Native Americans Transmitting Old World Diseases References The Columbian exchange allowed peoples from the Old World to get to know tobacco and a host of other outlandish goods, plants, and animals. The development of America also…

  • Discovering Texas History: What Influenced Texas and Native Texans?

    How the Native Texans impacted the Europeans and later Americans who came into the region? The native Texans mostly influenced both the Americans and the Europeans who came to spread Christianity and to seek for land. However, the importance of the Texan residents to the two groups differed considerably as explained hereafter. When the Americans…

  • Californian Gold Discovery and Migration to West

    Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Peoples movement into the dreamland Discovery of Gold and its impact References Abstract People migrate from one end to the other with varied motives. The discovery of gold in California led to massive migration of people to the country. The desire for wealth turned people to monsters who could slaughter…