Category: Disease

  • On the Influence of the Disease on the Personality

    In the current essay, I consider how my past experiences have helped me build courage and resilience to persist in academic and life challenges. I will focus on my challenge  living with type 1 diabetes (a chronic disease) for five years, and how this struggle has impacted my achievements, motivation, and behavior. Overall, I…

  • Stigma Associated With Disease

    Table of Contents Introduction Serving as an Advocate Forms of Assistance Conclusion Reference List Introduction Cases of alienation of people suffering from health impairments, diseases, or even unwanted pregnancies are common across the globe. The prejudice that most communities have against people suffering from chronic illnesses like HIV/AIDS and disabilities leads to such people being…

  • Methamphetamine, the Root Cause of Trauma Disease

    Introduction Methamphetamine is extremely addictive and functions as a stimulant in the CNS. The drug is produced by numerous unlawful labs, in United States. Methamphetamine is directly associated with toxic chemicals. The toxic substances are often employed as ingredients in the manufacture of the drug, which significantly contributes to the drugs toxicity and its perilous…

  • Gangs, a Social Causation, Societies Disease

    Table of Contents Introduction Joining a gang Societies Disease References Introduction The future of America lies within the hands of todays youngsters, but there are some serious concerns regarding where these youngsters might take us. Youth gangs, along with the problems associated with them, are growing in many American cities. Children growing up in substandard…

  • Anthropology: Infectious Disease Education for Indian People

    Table of Contents Introduction Cultural Anthropology and Health Anthropological Framework Social Responsibility Conclusion Works Cited Introduction In the modern world, much attention is paid to health literacy and the exchange of necessary information. Community involvement cannot be ignored because this practice makes multiple sources available for creating new strategies and understanding human behaviors (Scrimshaw 7653).…

  • Personal Genetics and Risks of Diseases

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction Concerning genetics, biographical information includes data such as ethnicity. Although diseases occur in all ethnic groups, some are more frequent in specific populations as compared to others. Therefore, being that prior risk is centered on the couples and donors ethnic background, residual risk will also be…

  • Multifactorial Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment

    Multifactorial or complex diseases can stem from several factors as it becomes clear from the title. It may be a genetic impairment or unhealthy lifestyle habits, inheritance, or a combination of them. For example, heart disease can be called multifactorial because there can be many issues that cause the heart to malfunction like inherently high…

  • Genetics: Gaucher Disease Type 1

    Table of Contents Abstract Disease diagnosis Etiology Case study Conclusion Reference List Abstract The Gaucher disease type 1 category is a genetically related complication in which there is an automatic recession in the way lysosomes store some important gene enzymes. This abnormality is mainly caused by the slow or sometimes dormant reactivity of the genetic…

  • Genetic Diseases: Hemophilia

    Table of Contents Introduction Hemophilia: Description Causes of Hemophilia Signs and Symptoms History of Hemophilia Diagnosis of Hemophilia Treatment of Hemophilia Prevalence in the U.S. and the World Reference List Introduction Animal bodies contain chromosomes that carry DNA segments called genes. Genes are important, in that, in human beings, genes determine characterization. For example, genes…

  • Radiation Effect and Human Disease Correlation

    Radiation results from the decay of unstable nuclei to give out particles that could destroy normal tissues leading to diseases such as cancer. Radioactive elements are referred to as ionizing radiations that can impact the chemical and physical traits of the molecules they are exposed to. Radiation comprises high-energy particles, containing alpha, beta, and gamma…