Category: Disease

  • Gene Modification: Means of Disease Prevention

    Table of Contents Introduction Experimentation and Collection of Data Data Interpretation and Evaluation Reference Introduction This research was motivated by the observation of a faulty mutant MYBPC3 gene copy causing a lethal heart disease in people who have inherited it. Since the nature of the disorder is genetical, it was assumed gene modification with the…

  • Disease Emergence in Multi-Patch Stochastic Epidemic Models

    Introduction The paper by Nipa and Allen (2020) focused on disease emergence in multi-patch stochastic epidemic models with demographic and seasonable variability. The investigation uses stochastic models in formulating variability that is both seasonal and demographic. Estimating a disease outbreak is through multi-type branching and application of backward Kolmogorov differential equation. Description of the Problem…

  • Sickle Cell Anemia as a Gene Mutation Disease

    DNA mutations modify a genetic codes meaning, leading to many congenital and acquired malformations. These genetic aberrations are multifactorial, and their effects range from mild to fatal. This discussion post reviews sickle cell anemia, an autosomal recessive disorder that emanates from substitution mutations in the DNA. In this condition, the anomaly is in chromosome 11,…

  • Aspects of Glycogen Storage Diseases

    Table of Contents Introduction Background Cause and Symptoms Description of the Biochemistry Behind GSD Treatment References Introduction Glycogen Storage Diseases (GSDs) refer to metabolic disorders that affect glycogen metabolism. The condition is genetic and passed down to children by their parents, who can carry the flawed gene without having any symptoms. GSD primarily affects the…

  • Sex Chromosomes Impact on Metabolic Diseases

    Research A research article I found said that genetic specificities of sex chromosomes impact the likelihood and severity of developing diseases, such as hypertension, cardiac ischemia, obesity, aneurism, or atherosclerosis (Arnold et al., 2017). It is important to add that not only sex chromosomes determine biological sex of a person, but there are other four…

  • Anthropology: Infectious Disease Education for Indian People

    Table of Contents Introduction Cultural Anthropology and Health Anthropological Framework Social Responsibility Conclusion Works Cited Introduction In the modern world, much attention is paid to health literacy and the exchange of necessary information. Community involvement cannot be ignored because this practice makes multiple sources available for creating new strategies and understanding human behaviors (Scrimshaw 7653).…

  • Personal Genetics and Risks of Diseases

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction Concerning genetics, biographical information includes data such as ethnicity. Although diseases occur in all ethnic groups, some are more frequent in specific populations as compared to others. Therefore, being that prior risk is centered on the couples and donors ethnic background, residual risk will also be…

  • Microbe-Human Interaction in Health and Disease

    One of the most critical topics in microbe-human interaction concerns microbial reservoirs since they inform one about the various places pathogens can be found. Generally speaking, people, other species, and environmental elements are the groups of reservoirs (Anderson et al., 2020). Pathogens with human repositories, as a rule, adhere solely to body tissue. These organisms…

  • Genetics in Diagnosis of Diseases

    Table of Contents Summary Genogram Genogram Analysis Managing Patient Condition Genomics in Nursing Practice References Summary Medical genetics aims to study the role of genetic factors in the etiology and pathogenesis of various human diseases. These diseases can be divided into hereditary diseases, including chromosomal conditions and genetic disorders, and diseases caused by a congenital…

  • Aspects of the Genetic Diseases

    Table of Contents Introduction Genetic Diseases and Examples Down Syndrome Cancer Sickle Cell Disease Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Genetic diseases refer to conditions that happen when a process of mutation has an impact on the genes of human beings. In addition, a genetic disorder may also occur when a person has the wrong amount of…