Category: Distance Education

  • Distance Learning for Addressing Nurse Shortage

    Table of Contents Critique of a Research Article: Introduction Evaluating the Research Methods Conclusion References Critique of a Research Article: Introduction The article Is Distance Education the Answer to the Nursing Shortage raises an interesting issue that should be analyzed by stakeholders in the healthcare sector. The author examines how the increased demand for nurses…

  • Online Learning and Students Mental Health

    The accelerated development of technologies made online learning possible, allowing many students who would not have had a possibility to study otherwise, in a face-to-face setting, to continue their education. Access to a number of courses and educational opportunities also has been granted by this phenomenon. Online learning can be viewed as a relatively new…

  • Theories, Tools, and Principles of Online Learning

    Introduction Theories, tools, and principles of online learning Modern technology has changed education designs. Using a range of new communications and network tools it is now easy to design an online education platform is now easier than before. Successful online educational designs depend on the right combination of tools, theories, and principles. In online designs,…

  • The Benefits of Taking Online Classes

    The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic negatively impacted the majority of public and private sectors, including the education system. As the quarantine restrictions tightened, most universities switched to online delivery methods. The development of online education platforms over the past decade made this transition possible. Before the pandemic, many colleges already provided students with lecture recordings and…

  • First Nations Pedagogy for Online Learning

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion References Introduction The article First Nations Pedagogy for Online Learning by Currie S. and Kaminski J. contains a presentation of the project founded by Nicola Valley Institute of Technology and Kwatlen University College. The project is dedicated to creating and developing new opportunities for online education for Aboriginal learners.…

  • Past and Current Trends in Distance Education

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion Reference list Introduction Distance education is also referred to as distance learning. This is a new approach to the field of education where students can be able learn far away from the traditional classroom. As a matter of fact, it revolves around technology and various instructional system designs (Taylor,…

  • Essay About Online Learning

    Effectiveness of Online Learning The concept of online learning has already existed since 1999 when the phrase was first used in a lecture on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) programs. Subhashi (2008) further defined that Online learning is any learning experience or environment that depends on the Internet or World Wide Web (WWW) as the main…

  • Attitude of Higher Education Faculty towards Teaching via Distance Education: Literature Review

    Literature review The pervasive technology and significant social and economic development have forever changed our society. Economic development brings the different way to do anything in life to make easier and give different options to do because economic development means development of technologies. Distance education is the emergence of a new way of doing education…

  • Impacts of Distance Education in Comparison with On-campus Learning: Analytical Essay

    Research methods Participants The participants for my study will be the students of Sherubtse College and the reason behind choosing them is because students did and experience distance education because of worst situations (COVID 19). The education provided by the schools through distance learning is considered a continuation of schools educational program in the same…

  • Analytical Essay on Origin and Challenges of Open and Distance Education System

    1.3.2 Learning under ODL System To cross over any barrier between members all the while, ODL offers self-organized learning in which the educator and understudies are isolated by reality, utilizing instructional materials, for example, print materials, sound and video tapes, CD ROMs, TV and radio communication, just as sight and sound segments, for example, PCs…