Category: Distracted Driving

  • Texting While Driving: Dangers and Policies

    Abstract Texting while driving is more dangerous than driving under the influence of substance abuse or alcohol. Drivers who drive while texting has increased likelihoods of colliding with other motor vehicles, running over foot travelers, and injuring travelers. Even though people acknowledge that texting while driving is a major cause of accidents, they are not…

  • The Dangers of Driving and Texting

    Table of Contents Introduction Distracted Driving Is Hands-Free Texting Safer Should Hands-Free Texting Be Banned Conclusion References Introduction With modern technological advancements, almost everyone can drive a car, and almost everyone has texted while driving. Any distractions on the road can create a potentially dangerous situation for the individual in the car, other drivers, as…

  • Distracted Driving: Dangers, Regulations, and Individual Freedoms Issue

    In many ways, the implementation of the individuals fundamental rights and freedoms depends on those guarantees of a cultural, socio-economic, material, political, organizational, and legal nature that are established and provided by the state. Every citizen should be free as long as he does not harm others. Therefore, when not only the life of the…

  • Use of Cell Phones While Driving Should Be Banned

    Table of Contents Introduction Analysis Conclusion Introduction Cell phones have become part and parcel of our lives, one cannot imagine a life without cell phones these days. Cell phones have become an integral part of our lives. It is not very safe to use cellphones continuously and research goes to prove the same. There is…

  • Adolscents and Drunk Driving

    Mention any holiday or party and what comes to mind of many a youth are thoughts of alcohol. A party in the mind of these youths is a chance to consume lots of alcohol, which as a result, increases the chances of tragedies one of which is fatal accidents due to drunk driving. This causes…

  • Hands-Free Devices Use During Driving: Pros and Cons

    Abstract Driving and texting is one of the leading causes of road accidents in the United States. Hand-held devices were blamed for the rise of road accidents in the country. The emergence of hands free devices were believed to be the real solution to this problem. However, this study shows that unless these new devices…

  • Statistical Parameters in Distracted Driving Fatalities

    Case Descriptive Statistics Statistical parameters and measurements are employed in analysis of various sets and types of data. These approaches cut across all fields of study and in most cases statistically significant findings are extrapolated in designing policies (Campbell, Machin & Walters, 2007). In the medical arena, data may be statistically significant but not clinically…

  • The Dangers of Texting While Driving

    Specific Purpose: Convince the audience about the dangers of texting while driving. Central Idea: Texting while driving is a dangerous trend in the US that breaks the law, distracts the driver, and endangers both passengers and bystanders. Introduction Attention Getter: Did you know that one in four car accidents in the US is caused by…

  • Statistical Parameters in Distracted Driving Fatalities

    Case Descriptive Statistics Statistical parameters and measurements are employed in analysis of various sets and types of data. These approaches cut across all fields of study and in most cases statistically significant findings are extrapolated in designing policies (Campbell, Machin & Walters, 2007). In the medical arena, data may be statistically significant but not clinically…

  • Using a Mobile Phone While Driving

    The use of cell phone while driving should be banned in all states. The cell phone has become one of the best-liked and fascinating technological inventions of the 21st century. Currently, the cellular phone has turn out to be a major safety concern in our roads. In the United States alone, there are over two…