Category: Domestic Violence

  • Domestic Violence and Public Awareness

    Description of Topic and Research Questions Topic Description The topic I would like to research is domestic violence. Sadly, this issue is widely spread in families in our country and many other countries in the world. Various categories of people suffer from this kind of crime, and there are different causes and consequences of cruelty…

  • Domestic Violence by an Intimate Partner

    Summary This study was aimed at examining the trends in attitudes about violence between intimate partners. In setting the foundation of the study, the authors hypothesized that if people across the world are affected by the diffusion of global norms, then the number of persons who think that violence between intimate partners is legitimate should…

  • Domestic Violence Problem Overview and Analysis

    Domestic violence is a controversial aspect of life, evolving from both physical and mental abuse of a person. In contemporary society, violence against another person can be justified and even encouraged as an acceptable form of decent behavior. Consequently, domestic violence has its origin in societal tolerance to the victimization of an individual. Such tolerance…

  • Community and Domestic Violence: Violence Against Women

    Domestic violence is behavior that is said to be abusive by one partner to the other in an intimate relationship, which can at times occur to both parties concurrently. It is also referred to as domestic, family or spousal abuse because it occurs in people who are either dating, in a family, in cohabitation or…

  • Domestic Violence in the Health Policy

    Table of Contents Introduction Description of the Target Population Stakeholders Involved The Role of Nurses in the Process of Implementing the Policy The Impact of the Policy Conclusion References Introduction Domestic violence is a crucial issue that has to be addressed in order to eradicate abuse and help the patients to overcome the issue of…

  • Domestic Violence, Its Existing and New Solutions

    Solutions to the Problem Currently, domestic violence is a problem that is researched and monitored by various agencies. According to McLaughlin, Banks, Bellamy, Robbins, and Thackray (2014), different social care establishments try to create a system for possible interventions. However, the authors note that these agencies often fail to document their findings as well as…

  • Domestic Violence and Victims Resistance

    The modern society still suffers from several social problems that deteriorate the quality of peoples lives and result in the appearance of numerous health and psychological issues. Regarding the fact that a human being is a central value in the modern world, these stigmas should be eliminated. This domestic violence belongs to the above-mentioned issues…

  • Domestic Violence Problem and the Impact on the Childrens Psyche

    The problem of domestic violence has always been an ongoing issue for a coherent society. The fact is that due to the disregard of this stigma and the lack of actions aimed at the reduction of its incidence, the problem became extremely sophisticated. In accordance with the relevant statistics, about 25% of households suffer from…

  • Addressing Domestic Violence Against Women by Kaur and Gang

    Table of Contents Source Summary Prewriting The one-sentence summary The one-paragraph summary The multiple-paragraph summary References Source Summary Prewriting Theme: Family Topic: Domestic Violence Title: Addressing domestic violence against women: An unfinished agenda. Kaur and Gang have a feeling that the topic of domestic violence, though it is a common subject, is yet to be…

  • Domestic Violence in the US: Effects on Children

    Introduction Topic The proposed research study tried to find out how domestic violence affects children in the USA. It reveals the most common motives and consequences of this issue. Its prevalence and prevention are considered. This topic also presents various decisions that must be taken in case of abusive practices among the members of one…