Category: Ecosystem

  • Navigating the Tech Ecosystem in Cameroon

    Consideration of the problems that are characteristic of the African part of the world is necessary. The reason for this is the need to update functions to bring the most significant benefit to the country and the world around it. This position paper examines the problem of introducing digital technologies into the activities of Country…

  • Biological and Chemical Changes in the Artificial Ecosystem of the Aquarium

    Table of Contents Introduction Sample Preparation Quantitative Analysis Changes: Biological Composition Changes: Chemical Composition Data Processing References Introduction The methodology of the present experiment is built on the use of quantitative methods of analysis to study an artificial ecosystem. A brief overview of the entire experiment is that critical changes were consistently measured as a…

  • What Happens if the Bats Extinct: The Role of Bats in the Ecosystem

    Introduction There are a lot of myths and stereotypes about the minor role of bats on our planet. It is commonly argued by many people that bats are pests, the existence of which does not make any sense. However, such kind of assumptions are inherently wrong and downplay the importance of bats in the ecosystem.…

  • The Impact of Medicare on Todays Healthcare Ecosystem

    Table of Contents Introduction Impact on Standards Impact on Clinical Quality Reporting Systems Reimbursement for Healthcare Services Patient Access to Care Conclusion References Introduction Medicare is one of the government-funded health insurance programs in the United States. It offers health coverage for people older than 65 years, people of any age with specific disabilities, and…

  • Prioritizing Ecosystem Services in Conservation

    Table of Contents Abstract Ecosystem Services Pros of Prioritizing Ecosystem Services in Conservation Cons of Prioritizing Ecosystem Services in Conservation Literature cited Abstract The current work is focused on estimating the pros and cons of prioritizing ecosystem services in conservation. The significance of saving and protecting ecosystems requires interfering with the natural flow of events…

  • 4-Agents Chain in African Savanna Ecosystem

    There was an African Savanna chosen to provide a case study analysis. During the case, study 4-agents chain was illustrated, which was an example of a small ecosystem. The first agent is the virus that interacts with the top predator in the African savanna. The main role of rinderpest (the virus) is to expand when…

  • Asir National Park and Its Ecosystem

    Table of Contents Asir National Park on 2 August 2011 Asir National Park on 5 August 2011 Asir National Park on 10 August 2011 Asir National Park on 15 August 2011 Asir National Park on 20 August 2011 Asir National Park on 26 August 2011 Asir National Park on 2 August 2011 I decide to…

  • Energy Consumption and Ecosystem Restoration

    The effects of projected energy consumption on world politics and economics What must first be understood is that population density as well as the industrial infrastructure within a given country directly affects the consumption of electricity. The greater the population density within a country the higher the likelihood is of larger factory complexes existing in…

  • Non-Native Snakes as an Ecosystem Threat

    Invasive species represent a significant threat to global biodiversity and ecosystem. The US government uses over $100 billion in the management of invasive species. The native reptiles pose a serious threat to other animals. The non-native snakes also make the mammals reduce in number because of their invasive nature. The study focuses on the invasive…

  • Plastics and Earths Ecosystem: Benefits and Drawbacks

    Introduction Statistics show that approximately 5 trillion single-use plastic bags are discarded annually, which account for the more than 50% of plastic products produced (Andrady 54). A study conducted in 2016 by researchers at the University of California found out that 1.7 grams of microfibers are released every time a synthetic jacket is washed. These…