Category: Elections

  • Elections in Australia: Public Information Campaign

    In 2004 the AEC conducted a comprehensive, large-scale public information campaign devoted to the issues of elections in Australia. This campaign aimed to facilitate the voters understanding of the process of elections and all the relevant problems connected with them. AEC also sought to emphasize its role in the electoral process and attempted to eliminate…

  • 2021 Virginia Gubernatorial Elections Contenders

    Introduction Virginia is one of the two states holding their gubernatorial elections later this year, with the Democratic and Republican parties fronting several frontrunners for the November contest. The GOPs top contenders vying for the spot include Kirk Cox, Amanda Chase, Sergio De La Pena, Peter Doran, and Pete Snyder. Although disputed, GOP has organized…

  • Presidential Election Process in The United States

    United States presidential election process involves an indirect election in which citizens vote for electoral candidates within a specific state, who then cast electoral votes for the Presidential candidate. The election process follows a procedural format where all candidates who want to be President are grouped according to political parties, either the democrats or the…

  • Elections: Citizen Participation

    Elections People vote in elections to select an individual or a group of individuals to hold an official office. The term describes a process by which voters nominate an individual for political or governmental positions. Every two years in November, federal elections are conducted in the USA (Elections and Voting). Affiliates of the House of…

  • Parties, Interest Groups, and Elections in the US

    Interest groups represent a collective opinion of like-minded people who want to be heard. They differ in their foundation, as some of these groups are created by professionals, by people who share world views, such as environmental protection, or by companies who seek to benefit from changing policies (Influence & lobbying, n.d.). The primary method…

  • The Electoral College: Ensuring Fairness and Equality in Presidential Elections

    Every four years, in November, Americans elect their president, and for this purpose electoral college was established. The Founders included the electoral college in the Constitution partly as a solution to electing the president through a vote in Congress and by a public vote of eligible people. The Electoral College is made up of 538…

  • The 2020 US Presidential Elections

    Table of Contents Using Politics To Define The 2020 Elections Thoughts of The 2024 Electoral Numbers And Predictions Impact of Media Forms on the Election Belief System Influence and Indoctrination How Public Opinion Affected the US 2020 Voting References Using Politics To Define The 2020 Elections The 2020 election was a moment when the people…

  • Elections of Delegates in Louisiana

    Introduction The political history and the evolution of the United States have been profoundly impacted by the elections of American delegates throughout the nations history. A sizeable portion of the population in this nation holds the view that the political system in the United States is wholly dysfunctional and nonsensical and that it is hopeless…

  • Elections: Proportional vs. First Part the Post

    Introduction Constitutional reform has a longstanding familiarity in the English-speaking Caribbean. Since these nations gained independence, the English-speaking Caribbeans (ESC) constitutional statutes have changed comparatively little. A few nations in the area have recently made significant changes to their constitutions. The electoral process is an important institutional component of any systems fundamental framework for political…

  • Lula da Silvas Victory in Elections in Brazil

    It is important to note that understanding international politics and political wave shifts in a region requires the use of precise and comprehensive terms. The given analysis will focus on Brazil and its recent major election win by Lula da Silva over Jair Bolsonaro. The term leftist is a useful description of da Silva as…