Category: Electoral College

  • Favor of Abolishing The Electoral College

    The electoral college has been an important part of our election system for over two hundred years. This is a call to fix an antique system, that is holding us back from social progression. We must eliminate the electoral college, and further prepare our society for all challenges ahead. The electoral college is far broken…

  • A Proposal for The Removal of The Electoral College in American Politics

    I think that the electoral college should be taken away. I dont think that the popular vote would be the best choice to replace it with. But I dont think that the electoral college is working very well. There has been multiple times when the person who got the popular vote did not win when…

  • Is the Electoral College Fair? Essay

    The 2016 election of Donald Trump put many things in motion. The 2020 election might do the same thingespecially if President Trump is re-elected in a manner similar to his 2016 victory. Thats because his election led to ongoing attacks on an invention of our constitutional founding fathers. That invention, of course, is the electoral…

  • The Advantage of Electoral College in America

    The Electoral College has been around since the beginning of democracy in America. The Founding Fathers set up the Electoral College in order to vote for a president every four years. The Electoral College gives each state, and D.C., a number of votes based on population. November 8th every four years, any citizen 18 years…

  • Electoral College Should Be Replaced With a National Popular Vote

    The 2016 Presidential Election rekindled the debate over the fairness and democratic legitimacy of the Electoral College system. Despite losing the national popular vote by almost 2.9 million votes to opponent Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump was declared the winner of the 2016 Presidential election due to his 304-227 Electoral College victory (New York Times, 2017).…

  • Is the Electoral College Democratic? Essay

    The Constitution of the United States (U.S) was ratified and signed on September 17th 1787. The aim of the Constitution was to establish a central government with sufficient power to act on a national level, whilst not having too much power that fundamental rights would be at risk. The U.S Constitution was at its time,…

  • What is an Electoral College? Essay

    An electoral college is a set of electors who are selected to elect a candidate to particular offices. Often these represent different organizations, political parties or entities, with each organization, political party or entity represented by a particular number of electors or with votes weighted in a particular way. While most other Germanic nations had…

  • The Flawed Election System Overview

    There were 158 million Americans who voted in the past 2020 election but only 538 votes decided our next president. The Electoral College was established in our Constitution in 1804 and was created by the Founding Fathers. The way the system works is there are 538 electoral votes among all the 50 states and it…

  • Should the Electoral College Be Abolished Essay

    Every four years our country participates in the most thrilling and suspenseful race of all time, the Presidential elections. One of the most anxious times that leaves all Americans anxious and eager to know who will be elected President. On the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, every four years the presidential election…

  • Electoral College Essay

    In November 2020, the United States Elections were held, Joe Biden won the election with 305 Electoral College votes compared to Presidential Incumbent Donald Trumps 232. For centuries the United States utilized the Electoral College voting system. A simple description of the system is that each state gets a certain number of electoral college votes…