Category: Employment

  • Social Media Should Not Be Used To Employ Or Discharge A Worker

    Should social media be used to employ or discharge an employee? What is social media? Social media is a technology that facilitates the sharing of ideas, thoughts, photos, events, and information through the building of virtual networks and communities. What are some examples of different social media? Social Media can be broken into three different…

  • The Increase Of Illegal Immigrants In Malaysia

    Immigrants are divided into two categories which are immigrants who come into a country with permission by using legal and valid documents and then there are also immigrants who come into a country without permission and any valid or legal documents. These types of people are called illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants refer to people that…

  • New Generation Employees & Motivation

    Abstract Motivated employees are a vital objective for any organization. Employee empowerment is an important motivational tool in the current scenario of New Gen employees. This paper talks about new generation employees and their motivation. The environment and conditions which help the New Gen employee with enriched enthusiasm, commitment and creativity is the buzz. Flexible…

  • The Factors Of Employee Motivation At Work

    Motivation is a key organizational concept that is a willingness to reach purposes actively without to be forced. The motivation refers to the external environment and interpersonal that drive enthusiasm and persistence to pursue a certain course of action of goal (Mbanje, 2019). The motivation process can be summarized as the diagram that there are…

  • Business Research: Modern Effects of Industrialization on Employees Health/ Stress/ Employability

    1. Introduction The revolution of the industry from agro based to industrial sector is said to be industrialization (Chappelow, 2019). As the immense need of revolution in the planet, the growth of industrialization has begun from 18th-19th century. The urbanization and industrialization goes hand in hand as the growth of industrialization persuaded people to shift…

  • Definition of Bad News and Its Impact on Employment Relationship: Analytical Essay

    Part 01- Literature review In this section, at first, we give the definition of bad news and its impact on the employment relationship. Secondly, we describe the process of delivering bad news. Finally, we analyze the delivery of bad news. The delivery of bad news is very difficult in organisation. The people who deliver the…

  • Globalization and Its Effects on Employment

    Globalization is the higher integration, cooperation, togetherness of various nations in numerous fields like defense, trade, business, politics etc. It is the strong interconnection between nations all over the world. Globalization also works in other various essential elements like competitively priced, social and environmental etc. If we speak about economic globalization, it deals with the…

  • Essay on the Impact of Automation on Employment

    Automation is a process through which technology and applications are used to carry out the work efficiently and reliably instead of being carried out by humans manually (‘What is Automation?’, ISA, 2020). Automation helps to efficiently carry out repetitive task which otherwise needed to be done by human manually and by doing so automation helps…

  • Education and Employment: An Essay on the Relationship Between Education Demand and Employment Supply

    Most of the public discussion and literature about economic development and education generally, most especially employment and education, is based on two major economic processes. First, is the interaction between the politically responsive supplies and the demands that are economically motivated in determining the number of schools provided, who can access these places, and the…

  • Transformation in Nature of Work and Employment

    The situation of employment within the world is fast changing in all aspects. New sectors are emerging daily and the ones previously thought as stable are dying out. Permanent types of employment have become challenging and are now replaced by insecure and uncertain self-employment and contract work. Based on the works of Lewchuk and other…