Category: Enlightenment

  • Theology in the Enlightenment Age

    Table of Contents Introduction The Mindset of Fundamentalism in Defense of Orthodoxy The mindset of Liberalism in Remaking of Orthodoxy Conclusion References Introduction Enlightenment was an intellectual movement. It is commonly held that the influence of enlightenment was paramount in the 18th century (Adorno, 2002). Some literary sources, however, indicate that it began way back…

  • The Great Awakening and American Enlightenment

    The history of Christianity includes the Protestant branch most represented in America and the most influential in America. Many Protestants, such as the English Puritans, found salvation with the beginning of the colonization of North America, rushing into the colonies, trying to escape from conflicts with Catholics in their homeland. De facto isolation in its…

  • Platos Work Allegory of the Cave vs. Kants What Is Enlightenment?

    The two philosophical works, namely Platos Allegory of the Cave (1962) and Immanuel Kants What is enlightenment? (1784), present their authors views concerning a better state and society. Although they were written almost 2000 years apart from each other, the ideas that the philosophers developed share many common aspects. First of all, Plato and Kant…

  • Immanuel Kants Enlightenment Analysis

    In the essay What Is Enlightenment, Immanuel Kant provides readers with the definition of enlightenment as well as the path towards it. In his own words, enlightenment may be defined as mans release from his self-imposed tutelage. The tutelage, which can also be perceived as immaturity, is the concept by which an individual perceives the…

  • Voltaires Vision of Religion and Enlightenment

    Philosophers and thinkers have always been the main contributors to the evolution of scientific thought and promoted the further evolution of our society. It is impossible to imagine the modern world without the discoveries made by outstanding people. They changed the image of the world and promoted the blistering development of human thought. Voltaire was…

  • What Is Enlightenment? By Immanuel Kant: Analysis

    Kant calls the era of the Enlightenment the most important stage in human history marked by a fundamental change in the attitude of mankind to its inherent ability to judge. Kant believes that before the Enlightenment, humanity did not understand and did not properly use its inherent intelligent abili[A1] ty. Namely, it did not use…

  • Enlightenment Ways of Thinking

    Classical liberalism views human nature from a skeptical perspective. This perception is similar to that of conservative liberalism. For instance, one of the most predominant classical liberal philosophers John Locke wrote in the late 17th century that reason rarely controls human emotions. Therefore, the conservative thinker Burke and the liberal Locke share the belief that…

  • What Is Enlightenment? by Immanuel Kant

    On the one hand, the concept of enlightenment can be understood as a specific historical era  for example, it is about enlightened absolutism  and on the other, a certain moral, legal, and social program. This possibility of an ambiguous interpretation of the term enlightenment determines the originality of hermeneutics aimed at understanding it.…

  • Religion in Enlightenment Literature: Molieres Tartuffe

    Table of Contents Introduction Religion in Molières Tartuffe Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Molières Tartuffe is a perfect example of the critical yet satirical exploration of the theme of religious hypocrisy in the Enlightenment literature (TheatreHistory par. 1). A symbolic capital of praise and admiration that the play has accrued over the centuries speaks tellingly of…

  • The Enlightenment According to Kant

    Table of Contents Introduction The Enlightenment Era Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Enlightenment in history was an era that appeared in the 18th Century, with many people being stakeholders in this significant change. It was a movement that turned out to be philosophical and intellectual. The ideologies of this era focused on the worth of human…