Category: Environment

  • Environmental Ethics: Intrinsic Value of Objects

    The value of every human life is a long-term and commonly discussed issue. However, the existence of animals, plants, and non-human objects does not always receive the same support. Today, anthropocentrism is being challenged by environmental ethics, the discipline that discusses the relationship between people and the environment (Brennan & Yeuk-Sze, 2020). This discipline allows…

  • Man and Environment: Overpopulation in China

    Eight major ways in which we have altered natural systems to meet our needs. Pollution is one of the major impacts that is caused by humanitys needs for industrial development. The use of vehicles, i.e., burning of fossil fuels led to the increases in Earths temperature. Genetic modification, used to modify plants, results in weeds…

  • The Impact of Technological Advances on the Environment

    Technological developments have come with various dangers to the environment. Industrial revolution and automation has been blamed for the increasing environmental pollution. The air people breath is no longer fresh as it used to be in the past. The issue of pollution has led to climatic changes that are not favorable to mankind. A good…

  • Relationship Between Men and the Environment

    This reflection paper starts with the discussion of the complicated relationship between men and the environment, as this is believed to be a key to understanding the shape of modern environmental law. Even though the historical perspective to grasp this relationships nature is essential, the values that the societies at the current stage of history…

  • Hazardous Materials, Environment and Health

    The development of the science resulted in the extended use of the chemical elements that contribute to the achievement of the desired goal, namely to increase the harvest or change in the structure of the product to extend the storage time or ease the transportation. Chemicals have already become an essential part of human life.…

  • Environmental Ethics. Technology and Values

    The term Anthropocene was coined to refer to the era in which human beings became the main driver of environmental change. While scientists argue about whether a new geological era should be officially distinguished in the history of the Earth, the atmosphere is rapidly changing. An increase in the level of greenhouse gases affects the…

  • Environmental Issues and Ethics: The Questions

    Should scientists ignore their personal values and ethics when designing and conducting a scientific study to examine an environmental problem using the scientific method? Why or why not? Environmental ethics concerns itself with the moral relationship of human beings to, and also the value and moral status of, the environment and its nonhuman contents. (Environmental…

  • Global Environmental Changes: Population Growth

    The global environment refers to the things that surround living organisms and their change causes an impact on them either negatively or positively. The components of the global environment include; water, air, soil, climate, plants, and animals. Living things greatly depend on this component of the environment in one way or another. Research studies have…

  • Regional Environmental Focus On the Carribean

    Introduction The Caribbean region is one of the most diverse and rich regions of the world. Its geographical situation and climate make biodiversity unique and interesting. Despite the natural beauty of this region, human activities changed somehow the landscape and endangered many species. The Caribbean region is very interesting for research and study. Investigation of…

  • Environmental Conditions in Proxima C

    Proxima C has 22 Earth days between sunrises and human beings living underground; therefore, this suggests that most of the time, the people will be in dark conditions. On a human being on Earth, the alternation of day and night is essential to inducing rhythms that affect several physiological functions. Even in isolation, these rhythms…