Category: Environment 1339

  • How Organizations Can Reduce the Loss of Biodiversity

    Table of Contents Critical Analysis of the Issue Current Status Recommendations References Critical Analysis of the Issue Biodiversity loss and species extinction have implications for the future prosperity of economies and corporate strategy. As economic activities are the greatest contributor to todays environmental problems, greater accountability is required from companies (Dasgupta, 2021). Proactive solutions aligned…

  • New Orleans: Gentrification and Socioeconomic Implications

    Table of Contents Reasons and Evidence Concessions on Gentrification Effectiveness Conclusion Works Cited Sustainable urbanization in New Orleans is a critically significant determinant of the citys stability, given its historically diverse cultures and significant architectural revolutions. However, modern approaches to city urbanization directly impact the original socioeconomic dynamics and civilization, where drastic rearrangements can harm…

  • The Fossil Fuel Industry and Our Dependence on It

    Table of Contents Introduction The History of Fossil Fuels Consumption The Importance of Recycling Conclusion References Introduction Fossil fuels are widely regarded as efficient and convenient options for obtaining energy. However, the overuse of fossil fuels has resulted in the rise of the extreme effects linked to global warming and climate change. According to Pirani…

  • Oil Spill in Bioremediation Laboratory

    Table of Contents Introduction Results Photographs Analysis Conclusion References Introduction Water and oil do not mix; instead, oil congeals into thick sludge. According to Tang et al. (2019), oil spills can harm the environment and marine life. When oil is released into the ocean, it can poison local marine creatures and harm their immunological, reproductive,…

  • Shifting Cultivation and Impacts on Tropical Forests

    Introduction Shifting cultivation, which is also referred to as rotational bush fallow farming, slash-and-burn farming, or swidden, is an old tilling practice mostly found in tropical parts of the world. The land-use system is mainly practiced in the wet tropical highlands in South Asia, Oceania, Africa, and Latin America. Approximately 280 million hectares of land…

  • The Greenhouse Effect, Clouds, & Atmospheric Warming

    The Earths energy budget describes the balance between the radiant energy that reaches the Earth from the Sun and the energy that leaves the Earth back into space. The atmosphere absorbs a large amount of energy and radiates it into space, as well as back to the surface of the planet. In fact, the atmosphere…

  • The Dam From the Elwha River

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion Work Cited Introduction The dam from the Elwha River was removed to restore the population of salmon and its runs. The question is whether other barriers in the same area should be removed and what the potential benefits and problems are concerning dam removal. Discussion Therefore, one of the…

  • Katrina: A History by Andy Horowitz

    Katrina: A History is a book by Andy Horowitz that dwells on the importance of the hurricane that redefined the American approach to calamity management. New Orleans became the most affected location because Katrina struck the infrastructure and flooded the city, making entire neighborhoods disappear underwater. Million-dollar damage caused uneasiness among local citizens and forced…

  • The View From Rose Hill: Recovery on a Piedmont Landscape

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion References Footnotes Introduction In the article submitted for consideration, the author demonstrated a clear understanding of the influence of specific historical events on cultural and ecological development or other regional changes. This work is dedicated to reviewing significant environmental changes in South Carolinas Piedmont using the specific example of…

  • Can Big Data Save Endangered Species?

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion References Introduction It is important to note that modern technological advancements in Big Data have shown a range of useful and powerful applicability in many areas, such as humanitys efforts to save endangered species. Big Data essentially refers to novel ways of analyzing complex sets of large pieces of…