Category: Ethical Dilemma

  • Ethical Dilemma of Privacy in Technology

    Table of Contents Introduction Legal Implications and Power of Individual Privacy as a Central Ethical Dilemma Conclusion References Introduction As technology develops, it changes the world through new scientific paradigms and new physical assets for humans to use. However, shifts in the field of applied sciences raise new ethical issues regarding the development and deployment…

  • Ethical Dilemma: Regained Custody Through Legal Action

    The dilemma discussed in the present paper deals with a married couple addicted to drugs in the past and rehabilitated later. Since the parents could not care for their daughter, she was placed in a foster home. Her foster parents loved her as their own child, and the girl loved them back. In the course…

  • Circumcision: Ethical Dilemma and Human Rights

    Table of Contents Introduction Viewpoints, Attitudes, and Related Reasoning Human Rights and Ethical Issues The Role of a Nurse Conclusion References Introduction Circumcision is a complex phenomenon that can result in ethical dilemmas. To put it simply, circumcision consists of surgical operations on female and male genitals. For males, it typically involves the removal of…

  • Ethical Dilemma: Eight Key Questions (8KQ)

    Ethics is one of the core components of human society as it regulates relations between individuals and protects them from undesired outcomes. However, the given area remains extremely complex because of the differences in human thinking and approaches that are used to judge about the ethical components of particular situations. For this reason, there are…

  • Sale of Human Organs in the U.S: Ethical and Legal Dilemmas

    This essay examines the pros and cons of the issue of sale of human organs in the US through the legal, ethical, moral prisms and its interaction with individual freedoms to finally affirm the case for the motion. The essay first examines the concepts of natural law and legal positivism to conclude that a case…

  • Ethical Dilemmas in Software Engineering: Volkswagen Ethical Dilemma

    Introduction Software engineering correlates with certain ethical dilemmas that need to be addressed. However, as this particular field is becoming more prominent worldwide, the need for confronting such issues increases. Moreover, the fact that such ethical concerns are relatively new due to the rapid development of the technology industry creates an environment in which specialists…

  • Lockdown Ethical Dilemma

    Table of Contents Introduction Lockdown effects COVID -19 Negative Impacts Discussion My Opinion Conclusion and Discussion References Introduction Lockdown measures are practiced in many regions to control the spread of the COVID -19 virus. It involves restrictions of movement and association in public. Although population health is protected by the set boundaries, several important activities…

  • Nazi March Permission: The Ethical Dilemma

    Leaders often contend with conflicting situations that compel them to ignore partisan concerns raised by antagonistic groups in order to come to objective decisions. For instance, when a leader has to choose between the right to safety and security of one group and the fundamental liberties of another, an impartial decision is hard to come…

  • An Ethical Dilemma of a Pregnant 16-Year-Old Girl

    Table of Contents Introduction Dilemma Overview Dilemma Impact Competing Values Conclusion References Introduction The current ethical dilemma concerns a pregnant sixteen-year-old girl who is hesitant to tell her parents about her condition. During the counseling session, she stated that she wanted to terminate the pregnancy but asked the working school-based professional to keep it a…

  • Organizational Ethical Dilemmas, as Portrayed in Snowden

    Introduction Controversies involving the conduct of government officials and prominent leaders are a typical occurrence in public life. It is not unexpected that there has been a revival of interest in the study of ethics. This research analyzes the ethical challenges faced by organizations, as shown in the film Snowden (2016). This assignment aims to…