Category: European Union

  • The EU Global Strategy for a Shared EU Security Policy

    Table of Contents Introduction Moving from the ESS to the EUGS Strengths and Weaknesses of the EUGS Conclusion Reference List Introduction In 2016, the European Union (EU) introduced a new EU Global Strategy (EUGS) for its region that outlined plans and principles for security and foreign policy. This document showed the shift in the EUs…

  • The Kotka-Hamina City-Region and EU Policy-Making

    Policy-making in the European Union is distinctive because of the multi-level government. In particular, the member countries of the Union are under pressure from both national and supranational politicians. With regard to spatial planning, these institutional constraints can represent a significant obstacle to the effective development of territories. However, the example of the city region…

  • The European Unions Foreign Policy

    The foreign policy of the European Union (EU) is, first of all, the issues of ensuring peace and security in Europe and on the planet as a whole and preventing and eliminating armed conflicts. The main elements of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) are civilian and military capabilities, sanctions, and EU special representatives…

  • The European Union Facing Global Crisis

    The world is going through one of the toughest moments in decades. Russia started the war in Ukraine, causing massive problems in economics for the whole world. However, besides the financial crisis, the European Union has had enough of its own unsolved problems. One of the occasions that affected the European Unions power was Brexit,…

  • Economic and Sovereignty Concerns Related to Brexit

    Introduction The issue of Brexit has been a particularly divisive one for the British people, with arguments both in support and against it being said all around the nation. As a whole, Britains left seems to be much more eager to support the remain option, than the leave one, betraying a lack of critical assessment…

  • German Leadership in the European Union

    The rising influence of Germany within the EU has generated much discussion in recent years. The Treaty of Lisbons revised processes for deciding EU foreign policy, which significantly delegated formal leadership to the EU level, have changed the relationship between EU institutions and member states and made it more difficult to understand how and why…

  • The European Debt Crisis and the EU Erosion

    The EU has been showing crisis tendencies for over a decade. Grexit and Brexit are clear manifestations of the EU erosion causes. Grexit is linked to the sovereign debt crisis that peaked in Greece in 2009 and led to the 2015 referendum (Terzi, 2020). In 2016, the UK left the EU for political reasons in…

  • Should Turkey Enter European Union?

    For quite some time, there have been debates of whether Turkey should be acceded into the European Union (EU). It is one of the nations that have applied for inclusion although it has been receiving accusations from the other members of EU. Its been accused of not establishing an effective infrastructure network and there have…

  • EU Requirement of Common Foreign and Military Policy

    Introduction EU has been at the forefront in asserting itself to play a role in world affairs. The regional body has played quite a plausible job with regard to foreign relations and peacemaking all in its umbrella of common foreign and military security. The common foreign and military policy gives answers to all questions addressed…

  • EU and Institutional Frameworks

    Introduction The European Union has immense potential to transform the lives of its members; however, lack of single decision making processes and transparent legislative systems could be coming in the way of achieving this. Many critics argue that decisions at the EU take too long, are too complicated and lack aggression. The latter mostly occurs…