Category: Evolution

  • Evolution of the Internet

    The internet is a network of computers. The first network had only three computers. The complex history of the evolution of the internet involves many aspects such as technological, organizational, social, and political. The inception of the internet was a result of military research done in the US during the Cold War era. In the…

  • Evolution of Cell Phones

    Introduction To begin with, let us mention that nowadays people do not imagine life without a cell phone. For us it is no more a wonder of engineering, but a usual means of communication and it is more likely that a person without a cell phone will be considered an odd person. It should be…

  • Digital Video Evolution and Its Implementation in Australia

    Introduction In the 21st century, the technological environment is under influence of high degree of robustness (Barry, Atul & Arun 1). This has had a great impact on various sectors of the economy. Amongst the technological sectors that have undergone revolution with a high magnitude, is the information communication technology (ICT). The digital revolution has…

  • Evolution of Societal Norms in Supergirl

    Table of Contents Introduction Same-Sex Relations in Supergirl Traditional Families Conclusion References Introduction As social norms evolve, popular entertainment media, such as Supergirl, have developed stories highlighting traditional and emerging family or relationship arrangements. Among the prominently observed structures include conventional families, single-parent households, and same-sex couples. The emergence and subsequent proliferation of these family…

  • Evolution in Recent History: Technological Change

    Evolution is the process that defines development occurring in diverse spheres of peoples lives, such as technology, the human body, sea inhabitants, literature, and medicine. Additionally, evolution in different spheres required various periods of time. For example, technology develops fast; therefore, technological processes and devices can be managed, improved, and utilized during a several-year period.…

  • Comparison of Evolution Theory vs. Creationism  Philosophy

    Introduction: Staring from the Big Bang There is hardly a single person in the world who has never asked him-/herself, what the origin of life is. Even though the issue is frequently addressed, there is hardly a single way to find out the truth, which, however, does not bother the humankind to come up with…

  • Human Evolution. Neanderthals on Trial Documentary

    Could Homo neanderthalensis have interbred with Homo sapiens? Neanderthals could have interbred with Homo sapiens due to the DNA evidence, their inclination to producing paintings, tools, music and pieces of jewelry. As per DNA, the Neanderthal are 99, 7 percent same to human DNA, which is one percent more than in comparison with chimps (Jordan,…

  • Natural Selection and Evolution Impact on Health

    Table of Contents Introduction: Natural Selection Background and Problem Framing Lactose Intolerance Resistance to Drugs Food Allergies Conclusion Works Cited Introduction: Natural Selection Natural selection has helped humans identify the most crucial areas that impact genetic adjustment to the environment (Vasseur and Quintana-Murci 596). With the assistance of evolution, it is possible to forecast the…

  • Homo Floresiensis and Human Evolution Models

    Homo florensis were discovered recently as a new hominid species and provided some new evidence for the three models of human origins  Out-of-Africa, the Multiregional, and the Assimilation theories. According to Whitehouse (2018), Homo florensis were found on the island of Flores in Indonesia. The main characteristic that differs them from Homo sapiens is…

  • Aspects of Human Evolution

    Table of Contents The Role of Adaptations in Hominid Development New Perspectives on Human Development Art and Homo Sapiens Pastoralism and Agricultural Societies Development of Agriculture and Gender Relations Work Cited The Role of Adaptations in Hominid Development Climate changes have an essential effect on the development and evolution of organisms since they support natural…