Category: Facebook

  • Emotional Contagion in Facebook: Psychological Research

    The experiment described in the article was intended to research the ability of individuals to change their emotional state depending on the indicators used by their peers. The researchers modified the participants Facebook news feed by removing content with positive or negative expressions. As a result, the participants produced posts with the respective decrease of…

  • Analysis of Facebook and Pintor Oral Contract

    Table of Contents Issue Rule Application Conclusion Works Cited Issue The author of this essay addresses the legal issue that arose between Facebook and Eduardo Pintor. Facebook made an oral contract with a world-famous mural painter. Mark Zuckerberg, the founder, and president of Facebook, then terminated this contract before its execution. It is important to…

  • The Lawsuit Against Facebook Company

    One of the lawsuits where the agency was the issue is a lawsuit against Facebook. The lawsuit accused Facebook of violating the privacy law of Illinois. The social media giant did not get consent to use facial recognition technology for the scanning of photos that users upload in order to store faces in digital format.…

  • The Lawsuit Against Facebook Company

    One of the lawsuits where the agency was the issue is a lawsuit against Facebook. The lawsuit accused Facebook of violating the privacy law of Illinois. The social media giant did not get consent to use facial recognition technology for the scanning of photos that users upload in order to store faces in digital format.…

  • Community Health Education Campaign in Facebook

    Facebook Facebook has become the area for regular and unceasing communication among people all over the world. The platform also allows bringing the members of specific communities closer by creating groups in which the target population may participate. Therefore, Facebook should be viewed as the firsthand option for the New York City STD/HIV Prevention Training…

  • Facebook Critique: With Friends Like These& by Tom Hodgkinson

    This essay is written by Tom Hodgkinson, and it is a critique of Facebook, its founders, and its business model. The author is skeptical about the validity of Facebooks business model as well as the motives behind its institution. The author is also unimpressed by the tremendous success that Facebook has managed to achieve so…

  • Unpaid Content: The Case of Facebook

    Table of Contents Introduction The Case of Facebook Conclusion Works Cited In the social economy, content is produced by users rather than by the owners of a website such as Facebook or Instagram. Most people welcome the ability to freely use these content-sharing platforms to keep in touch with their friends, share pictures, or even…

  • Facebook vs Myspace Platforms: Finding Differences

    Table of Contents Introduction Founding History and Early Global Impact Employees and Changing Ownership User Demographics Distinct Features Role in the Music Industry E-mail Services and Languages Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Facebook and Myspace are some of the worlds most popular social media platforms. Even though the sites have specific differences, they also enjoy numerous…

  • Physical Attractiveness and Political Affiliation in Facebook Friend Acceptance

    Table of Contents Introduction About the Article The Researchers View Results of the Experiment Conclusion References Introduction Facebook is still one of the leading social networks. This application allows people to interact at various levels (Mihee, 2016).The Effects of Physical Attractiveness and Political Affiliation on Facebook Friend Acceptance article aims to identify some patterns between…

  • Will the Facebooks Social Audio Products Succeed

    Social Audio refers to social media products that utilize audio as their principal mode of communication. Social audio can include voice messaging, podcasts, editing tools, live conversation rooms, and audio creation, among others (Simo 1). Clubhouse, Twitter spaces, Spotify Greenroom, and Facebook Live Audio Rooms are the most popular audio-based social media platforms today. Facebook…