Category: Feminism

  • The Significance of Feminist Movement by Bell Hooks

    Any reproductive types of speech are aimed to be perceived by the recipient. Therefore, the concept of rhetoric comes forth. Although people tend to think that mere direct address to the audience might ensure the success, there are many examples of successful texts where the author does not involve the reader into the discussion but…

  • Why Feminism Is Present at Work According to Bell Hooks

    Gloria Jean Watkins from Kentucky is also known as an outstanding writer, feminist activist and cultural critic under the name of Bell Hooks. She has written more than thirty books, which are focused on racial, gender, cultural and other pressing issues (About the Bell Hooks Institute par. 1). Feminism is for Everybody. Passionate Politics covers…

  • Feminism, Oppression, Masculinity, and Homophobia

    Introduction Feminism, a relatively new movement in the history of social, political, and philosophical thought (since it emerged in the late 19th century and evolved throughout the 20th century), has found an important place in modern social studies. During the 20th century, feminists succeeded in obtaining various rights that previously were the exclusive privileges of…

  • Feminist Organizations and Womens Status in Society

    Womens rights From the poster, the rights of women have been violated since their body parts are displayed, which, in most cases, is against the wishes and desires of many women. Advertising companies have always used womens pictures since the public, especially men, would be interested in buying such products. For instance, in the poster…

  • Color Feminism and Feminist Scholarship

    Introduction Stasiulis enumerates two themes concerning color feminism. The first theme is based on the understanding of the interconnectivity of the other social differences such as race, class, and sex as the process of development of privileges and oppression. The second theme is to give greater priority race and racism even though greater importance is…

  • Feminist Autonomous on Unpaid Work Web 2.0

    Table of Contents Introduction Background The Unwaged Labor of Web 2.0 Autonomist Feminists and Their Contribution to Capitalism Conclusion Works Cited Introduction While researching articles about Autonomist Feminists, I came across various texts that describe their contribution to the capitalist society. My goal in this paper is to respond to two research questions. My first…

  • Feminism and Sex in Hip-Hop Music

    Table of Contents Introduction Hip Hop Industry Drakes Depiction of Women Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Hip Hop music was introduced with the intention of combating poverty, racism, and violence that were prevalent in lower-income neighborhoods across the United States. The music targeted individuals who hailed from violent backgrounds with no or little education. The objective…

  • Feminism: How a Man Should Look at a Woman

    During the Second Wave, the feminist movement coined the term male gaze to describe the dynamics of sexual politics and how men view the female body. In his essay, Sanders discusses his own experiences with the male gaze from the standpoint of the viewer. The author shows outstanding self-awareness, admitting that in his adolescence and…

  • The Equal Rights Amendment and Feminism in the US

    The issue of equal rights of women and men is considered as resolved in the United States of America. The feminine interpretation of equality suggests that men and women should have both equal shares in social power and equal access to public resources. The first National Womens Party led by Alice Paul drew attention to…

  • Radical Feminism Explains Prostitution

    Table of Contents Introduction Prostitution Defined Male Oppression Economic Inequality Gender Differences Social Perception of Prostitution References Introduction Living on morally wrong earnings and exercising control over prostitutes are criminal offenses. Interestingly, at the same time as constructing prostitutes as a social class of ethically different and sexually indiscriminate women, the social critics also see…